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Profile for davlon

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 29
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I think I've found the clue myself. Only tell me whether it is correct or not.

Each time a file is edited, a ".lock" file is generated with a unique id as name, into sitename/logs/com_joomdoc-webdav-locks.
The .locks file is generated and contains all the data for the lock (username, filename etc.). During the editing of the file (lock active) the size of the file is around 250 bytes. As file editing ends, the lock file is not removed: it is left into the sitename/logs/com_joomdoc-webdav-locks directory but it only should contain "a:0:{}" and should be exactly 6 bytes size.

In order to remove locks on files left locked by users, the correct .lock file must be edited and its content replaced with "a:0:{}". The system will release the file as soon as the .lock file is adjusted.

It worked for me.
Unlock WebDav files ...
Category: Customer Support
I have an issue using WebDav with JoomDOC enterprise v.4.
One user, who I know to be on leave, left one shared file locked. Is there any way to unlock locked files?

Thank you
Unlock WebDav files ...
Category: Customer Support
I am sorry but my download ID is exactly the one you sent me. Checked twice.

Joomla v3.3.0 update ...
Category: Customer Support

it looks like most of the error/malfunctions I had, were somehow fixed or worked around. The problem reported here, appears to be the last annoyance.
Is there any chance you have a look at it? Access instructions and admin credentials were already sent to you.

Joomla v3.3.0 update ...
Category: Customer Support
I think I've found the origin of the malfunction: it is an incompatibility between RocketTheme - RokBox v2 and JoomDOC. By disabling the RokBox plugin, the webdav "Edit File" pencil icon label appeared.
Indeed, the RokBox works together JoomDOC if backward compatibility is not enabled. We needed that parameter thus experienced the malfunction. In order to achieve RockBox and JoomDOC coexistence, we installed RokBox v1.4.1. and found no problems (so far).

Thank you
JoomDOC WebDAV icon' ...
Category: Customer Support
label is missing everywhere in the world whether I access the page with chrome, iexplorer or firefox. BTW, the latter is v.28.0 and firebug v 1.12.8.
Code report apart, are you able to view the "Edit File" label aside the pencil icon by navigating the html address I have provided to you???
I am copying it here again because I also had a problem with JoomSEF and something might have changed:

to access the above site, you'll need to apply the changes I described into my private email and authenticate with the provided credentials.

Thank you
JoomDOC WebDAV icon' ...
Category: Customer Support
by turning "Number duplicate URLs?" to Yes in the JoomSEF and "Ignore multiple souces" to "NO" in the joomDOC plugin (JoomSEF) the problem is now solved.

Thank you
Front-end files and ...
Category: Customer Support
It looks like a conflict between JoomDOC and JoomSEF. J3.3 doesn't have JoomSEF that's why it is working! By disabling JoomSEF on the J2.5 dev site, the problem disappeared.

I've found this forum topic to be very useful:
Unfortunately, the user never got an answer on how to having JoomDOC and JoomSEF working together.

Can you please help out?

Thank you
Front-end files and ...
Category: Customer Support
Here we go...
I have a VIRGIN Joomla 2.5.20 test website running JoomDOC v4.
If I upload files and add documents, I am able to perform all the operations from the backend. From the frontend, if I try to delete the file and or the document associated, the JoomDOC components either deletes the next filel/doc in the list (not the selected one) or it does nothing at all.

I think this to be a Joomla 2.5.20 only related problem as the component works fine in Joomla! 3.3 environment.

Please advise

Thank you
Front-end files and ...
Category: Customer Support
I have a doubt: did you access the right web site?
I've sent you two different web addresses referring to two different websited with two different JoomDOC malfunctions.

Thank you
JoomDOC WebDAV icon' ...
Category: Customer Support
Than you for testing it. Did you have the pencil icon with label?
JoomDOC WebDAV icon' ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello, have you tried to access the site with the credential I gave you?

JoomDOC WebDAV icon' ...
Category: Customer Support
Quick update:

The above procedure temporarily fixed the webdav icon displaying mismatch on the front-end.
At the back-end I now have files name printed aside the pencil icon but cell space is not adjusted accordingly resulting in text overlapping.
At the moment, I'll leave thing like that as front-end operations are more important.

Thank you
JoomDOC WebDAV icon' ...
Category: Customer Support
Following the previous hints I got from firebug, I was able to track-back the files which are directly linked to the displaying of the "Edit File" pencil label (when using WebDAV).

1) mysiteroot\adminiswtrator\language\en-GB\en-GB.com_joomdoc.ini

2) mysiteroot\administrator\components\com_joomdoc\libraries\joomdoc\utilities\webdav.php

file nr.1 contains the "Edit File" label while file nr.2 contains the code (line 67-69) which is responsible of displaying the pencil icon plus (filename) and "Edit File" label

Now, I don't know why this is happening but, the code in #2-69:

$document->addCustomTag('<script id="tableRowFile" type="text/html"><a class="editWebDav" id=\'{id}\' href=\'{href}\' title=\'' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_EDIT_WEBDAV') . '\'><strong>{name}</strong><span class="j25">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_EDIT_FILE') . '</span></a></script>');

By removing the <strong></strong> code, I was able to bring the label back but it also contains the file name:


filename.docEdit File

I'd rather prefer "Edit File" only but if I remove {name} from the 69 line, the icon+label is not displayed at all!

So I added an extra space to file #1 "Edit File" line 94 as follows:


And the results is:

pencil icon filename.doc Edit File

In first place, I'd love to fix the html page messing up (ref. my previous post)
If no clue, either having the webdav pencil icon+"Edit File" only or advise on what to do otherwise.

Thank you
JoomDOC WebDAV icon' ...
Category: Customer Support
I think I've found the error, but have no idea on how to fix it tho.
With firebug, I've inspected the webdav "Edit File" icon and found that the "<span class="j25">Edit File</span>" is contained into the strong tag. If I put the <span class="j25">Edit File</span> just after the strong tag, the Edit File label is correctly displayed.

<span id="editWebDav">
<a id="file_0" class="editWebDav" title="Edit file with WebDav" href="">
<span class="j25">Edit File</span>
JoomDOC WebDAV icon' ...
Category: Customer Support
I am have one site Joomla! v.3.3.0. Like many users, I suffered the JoomDOC error and completely reinstalled from scratch now is JoomDOC 4.0.2.
The automatic update option of Joomla! reports the following error when refreshing:

Update: :Extension: Could not parse

Can this warning be cleared?
I keep getting this warning each time I try to update and also the JoomDOC update "from server" itself doesn't work.

Thank you.
Joomla v3.3.0 update ...
Category: Customer Support
The component is accessible by registered users only. If you want to get access to the area where I've installed JoomDOC, provide me with an email where I can send it.
In the meantime, I am attaching a screenshot of it.

Thank you.
JoomDOC WebDAV icon' ...
Category: Customer Support
Is there any chance Artio is going to advise on how getting rid of this annoying pop-up?
I am experiencing this when enabling webdav option on:

Joomla! v. 3.3.0
Joomla! v. 2.5.20

JoomDOC v4 enterprise
PHP v. 5.3

Thank you
bloclUI requires jQu ...
Category: Customer Support
I am starting to be used to the fact that with JoomDOC one is never getting bored: as soon as one problem is fixed (often by us, without Artio's support), here it comes another ready for you.
In this case I was fortunate as the malfunction was not preventing (smart) users from using my file sharing area.

I have installed JoomDOC v4 enterprise on two identical Joomla! v.2.5.20 sites now. On one I am able to view both the icon + lablel for WebDAV editing, on the second one, no matter what I do, only the icon is displayed.

I am hereby asking Artio's support to help me out.

Thank you
JoomDOC WebDAV icon' ...
Category: Customer Support
I think I've sorted out the 404 error as could not afford letting the problem happen on my websites.
This has been really hard as NO DOCUMENTATION is available so far and we had to test each of the JoomSEF parameters in order to find the one causing the malfunction.
This is WEIRD considering that the two product are from the same provider!

In order to let JoomDOC and JoomSEF coexist, the "prevent non-SEF variables from overwriting parsed ones" parameter in JoomSEF config, should be set to "NO". This is what worked on my two sites Joomla! 2.5.20 based...

I have no words left and I am really scared on what else I might step into using this two software.

JoomDoc and JoomSEF
Category: Customer Support
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