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Profile for Luishron

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 10:45
  • Posts: 13
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I need to put prices with tax ...
I need to put prices ...
Category: Customer Support

adrianpyro wrote:
I tried contacting support and got no response so I had to figure it out myself

in administrator/components/com_booking/helpers/booking.php
replace line 1826 with
return (float) (($price * $tax)/100);

just converted the European calculation to the north american method of calculating taxes
since there is only one calculation of tax in the software this shouldn't negatively affect anything else.
Good evening, I've b ...
Category: Community Support
Thank you!! Great contribution ...
Adding the tax...?
Category: Customer Support
Thanks and I found places where taxes... But now I have the following problem ...

Price: 3000
Tax 12%: 321.43 (Not the exact percentage) - (Good 360.00)

Please help me to find how to solve it ...

Thank you!
Good evening, I've b ...
Category: Community Support
i need help!

Set my time zone in joomla (admin -> Global Configuration -> Server -> Location Settings - Select Caracas)

ARTIO Booking Versión: 1.5.7
Dates do not match c ...
Category: Customer Support
Good evening, I've been looking for a while where I place the tax rate and it still fails.

in my country the tax rate is 12%
Good evening, I've b ...
Category: Community Support
Greetings everyone ... I want to add a new payment method to Artio booking? my payment platform provider of gave me a guide, but I could not connect ...

Step 1
To perform the integration must be able to dynamically add the page, in the appropriate place the following information:

//$post_url = "http://"; //(TEST)
$post_url = ""; //(PRODUCCION)
$post_values = array(
"nbproveedor" => "API LOGIN ID",
"nb" => "stephen",
"ap" => "king",
"ci" => "99888123",
"em" => "",
"cs" => "API Transaction key",
"nai" => "12333",
"co" => "compra en tienda ABC",
"tl" => "02127400012",
"mt" => "23.50",
"ancho" => "190px"

I attached the guide gave me my provider of payments
[attachment:2]Documetation payment.pdf[/attachment]

Thanked for help
¿How to add new paym ...
Category: Customer Support
I'm trying to add a new payment method, and only an icon aprece me no options.

As I can integrate a new payment method?

Also try the version 1.5.0 then updated to 1.5.2 and shows me this error.

Grateful for your help
How to add new payme ...
Category: Customer Support
[attachment:1]List of payments.png[/attachment]
I'm trying to add a new payment method, and only an icon aprece me no options.

As I can integrate a new payment method?

Also try the version 1.5.0 then updated to 1.5.2 and shows me this error.

Grateful for your help
How to add new payme ...
Category: Customer Support
Aprovechando que todavía estas activo en el foro, hay algunas partes que no están traducidas, las busco en las carpetas lenguaje tanto en front como en admin y nada. alguna otro parte que tenga que verificar.

de ante mano muchas gracias.
Spanish translate & ...
Category: Customer Support
Gracias por el aporte, me has ahorrado mucho tiempo.
Spanish translate & ...
Category: Customer Support
Please I need help to remove this error.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/tuguia/public_html/weeb/administrator/components/com_booking/helpers/parameter.php on line 376

CODE: parameter.php

* Create parameter table for template properties.
* @version $Id$
* @package ARTIO JoomLIB
* @subpackage helpers
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010 ARTIO s.r.o.. All rights reserved.
* @author ARTIO s.r.o.,
* @license GNU/GPL
* @link Official website

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
if (! class_exists('JParameter'))
class AParameter extends JParameter
* Image base
* @var string

var $images;
* Construct object.
* @param $data
* @param $path

function __construct($data, $path = null, &$xml = null)
$this->images = JURI::root() . 'components/' . OPTION . '/assets/images/';
parent::__construct($data, $path);
if ($xml) {
* Load object from XML source.
* @param JSimpleXML $xml
* @return boolean

function loadSetupXML(&$xml)
$result = false;
if ($params = &$xml->document->params) {
$result = true;
foreach ($params as $param) {
return $result;
* Render properties table.
* @param string $name type of params to render
* @param string $group params group to render

function render($name = 'params', $group = '_default')
$params = $this->getParams($name, $group);
$config = &AFactory::getConfig();
$ripath = AImage::getIPath($config->templatesIcons);
$ids = array();
$html = array();
$html[] = '<table class="template">';
$html[] = '<thead>';
$html[] = '<tr>';
$html[] = '<th>&nbsp;</th>';
$html[] = '<th>&nbsp;</th>';
$html[] = '<th><h3>' . JText::_('Property') . '</h3></th>';
$html[] = '<th><h3>' . JText::_('Field') . '</h3></th>';
$html[] = '<th><h3>' . JText::_('Icon') . '</h3></th>';
$html[] = '<th><h3>' . JText::_('Tools') . '</h3></th>';
$html[] = '</tr>';
$html[] = '</thead>';
$html[] = '<tbody id="paramlist">';
if (is_array($params)) {
foreach ($params as $i => $param) {
if (! is_null($param)) {
// prepare parameter properties
$label = $param[0];
$value = $param[1];
$id = (int) $param[5];
$searchable = (int) $param[6];
$filterable = (int) $param[7];
$type = $param[8];
$paramValue = $param[9];
$icon = $param[10];
$objects = (int) $param[12];
$object = (int) $param[13];
if ($type == 'radio') {
$value = '<input type="radio" class="inputRadio" name="params[' . $id . ']" value="" style="display: none" ' . (! $paramValue ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '/>' . $value;
$ids[] = $id;
$html[] = '<tr id="params' . $id . '-row">';
$html[] = '<td class="check">';
$html[] = '<input type="checkbox" class="inputCheckbox" name="cid[]" id="params' . $id . '-check" value="' . $id . '"/>';
$html[] = '</td>';
$html[] = '<td>';
$html[] = '<span class="up" title="' . htmlspecialchars(JText::_('Move property up'), ENT_QUOTES) . '"></span>';
$html[] = '<span class="down" title="' . htmlspecialchars(JText::_('Move property down'), ENT_QUOTES) . '"></span>';
$html[] = '<input type="hidden" name="params-ordering[' . $id . ']" value="" />';
$html[] = '</td>';
$html[] = '<td class="label">' . $label . '</td>';
$html[] = '<td id="params' . $id . '-value">' . $value . '</td>';
// icon cell
$html[] = '<td>';
$thumb = AImage::thumb($ripath . $icon, 30, 30);
if ($thumb)
$html[] = '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($thumb) . '" alt="" id="params' . $id . '-icons" />';
$html[] = '<img src="' . $this->images . 'spacer.gif" alt="" id="params' . $id . '-icons" />';
$html[] = '<input type="hidden" name="params-icons-orig[]" id="params' . $id . '-icons-orig" value="' . htmlspecialchars($icon) . '" />';
$html[] = '</td>';
// tools cell
$html[] = '<td id="params' . $id . '-toolbar">';
// render tools
$html[] = $this->tool(true, 'config', null, 'ATemplate.config(' . $id . ')');
$html[] = $this->tool(true, 'trash', null, 'ATemplate.trash(' . $id . ',true)');
$html[] = $this->tool($searchable != 0, 'search', $id);
$html[] = $this->tool($filterable != 0, 'filter', $id);
$html[] = $this->tool($objects != 0, 'objects', $id);
$html[] = $this->tool($object != 0, 'object', $id);
$html[] = '</td>';
$html[] = '</tr>';
$html[] = '</tbody>';
$html[] = '</table>';
$html[] = '<div class="glossary">';
$glossary = array('Glossary' => null , 'Config' => 'config' , 'Trash' => 'trash' , 'Searchable' => 'search' , 'Filterable' => 'filter', 'Display property on object\'s list' => 'objects', 'Display property on object detail' => 'object');
foreach ($glossary as $label => $icon) {
if ($icon) {
$html[] = $this->tool(true, $icon);
ADocument::addScriptPropertyDeclaration('TmpImg' . ucfirst($icon), $this->getToolImage($icon), true, false);
$html[] = '<span>' . JText::_($label) . ($icon ? '' : ':') . '</span>';
$html[] = '</div>';
$max = count($ids) ? max($ids) : 0;
ADocument::addScriptPropertyDeclaration('TmpId', $max, false, false);
return implode(PHP_EOL, $html);
* Get toolbar image as only info icon or button with javascript onclick event function.
* @param boolean $icon add image or empty div
* @param string $name name of image and tool
* @param int $id property ID
* @param string $function javascript event function
* @return string HTML code

function tool($icon, $name, $id = null, $function = null)
$image = $this->getToolImage($name);
$id = $id ? (' id="icon-' . $name . '-' . $id . '" ') : '';
if ($icon) {
$uname = ucfirst($name);
$function = $function ? (' onclick="' . $function . ';" ') : '';
$class = $function ? 'tool' : 'icon';
return '<img src="' . $image . '" alt="' . $uname . '"' . $function . ' class="' . $class . '"' . $id . '/>';
} else {
return '<div class="emptyIcon"' . $id . '>&nbsp;</div>';
* Get tool image full path.
* @param string $name
* @return string

function getToolImage($name)
return $this->images . 'icon-16-' . $name . '.png';
* Get main table toolbar table.
* @return string HTML code

function toolbar()
$bar = &JToolBar::getInstance('template-properties');
/* @var $bar JToolBar */
$bar->appendButton('Link', 'new', 'New', 'javascript:ATemplate.add()');
$bar->appendButton('Link', 'delete', 'Delete', 'javascript:ATemplate.trash(\'all\',true)');
return $bar->render();
* Get toolbar button.
* @param string $name tool name
* @param string $function javascript onclick event function
* @return array parts of HTML code

function button($name, $function)
$html = array();
$html[] = '<td class="button">';
$html[] = '<a class="toolbar" href="javascript:' . $function . '">';
$html[] = '<span class="icon-32-' . $name . '" title="' . ucfirst($name) . '">&nbsp;</span>';
$name = JString::ucfirst($name);
$html[] = JText::_($name);
$html[] = '</a>';
$html[] = '</td>';
return $html;
* Load param.
* @param JSimpleXMLElement $node param node
* @param string $control_name param name
* @param string $group param group
* @return array param values

function getParam(&$node, $control_name = 'params', $group = '_default')
$type = $node->attributes('type');
$type = str_replace('mos_', '', $type); // compatibility fix with J!1.0
$value = $this->get($node->attributes('name'), $node->attributes('default'), $group);
switch ($type) {
case 'checkbox': // custom rendering for checkbox
$param = &$this->renderCheckBox($node, $value, $control_name);
case 'radio': // custom rendering for radio button
$param = &$this->renderRadio($node, $value, $control_name);
case 'textarea': // custom rendering for textarea
$param = &$this->renderEditor($node, $value, $control_name);
default: // use standard renderer for others
$element = &$this->loadElement($type);
if (is_object($element))
$param = &$element->render($node, $value, $control_name);
$param[] = $node->attributes('searchable'); // use param in global seaching
$param[] = $node->attributes('filterable'); // use param in filtering object's list
$param[] = $node->attributes('type'); // data type (checkbox, radio etc.)
$param[] = $value; // parameter value
$param[] = $node->attributes('icon'); // decorative icon image
$param[] = $node; // full XML node
$param[] = $node->attributes('objects'); // use param on object's list
$param[] = $node->attributes('object'); // use param on object detail
return $param;
* Render check box.
* @param JSimpleXMLElement $node param node
* @param mixed $value param value
* @param string $control_name param name
* @return array

function renderCheckBox(&$node, $value, $control_name)
$param = array();
$name = $node->attributes('name');
$label = $node->attributes('label');
$nodeName = $control_name . '[' . $name . ']';
$nodeId = $control_name . $name;
$param[] = '<label id="' . $nodeId . '-lbl" for="' . $nodeId . '">' . $label . '</label>';
$param[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $nodeName . '" value="0"/><input type="checkbox" class="inputCheckbox" name="' . $nodeName . '" id="' . $nodeId . '" value="1" ' . (((int) $value == 1) ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '/>';
$param[] = '';
$param[] = $label;
$param[] = $value;
$param[] = $name;
return $param;
* Render radio buttons list.
* @param JSimpleXMLElement $node param node
* @param mixed $value param value
* @param string $control_name param name
* @return array

function renderRadio(&$node, $value, $control_name)
static $id;
if (is_null($id)) {
$id = 0;
$param = array();
$name = $node->attributes('name');
$label = $node->attributes('label');
$nodeName = $control_name . '[' . $name . ']';
$nodeId = $control_name . $name;
$param[] = '<label id="' . $nodeId . '-lbl">' . $label . '</label>';
$options = &$node->children();
$count = count($options);
$values = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++) {
/* @var $option JSimpleXMLElement */
$option = &$options[$i];
$optionValue = $option->attributes('value');
$id ++;
$values .= '<input type="radio" class="inputRadio" name="' . $nodeName . '" id="radio' . $id . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($optionValue) . '"';
if ($value == $optionValue)
$values .= ' checked="checked" ';
$values .= '/><label for="radio' . $id . '" style="float: left">' . $optionValue . '</label>';
$param[] = $values;
$param[] = '';
$param[] = $label;
$param[] = $value;
$param[] = $name;
return $param;
function renderEditor(&$node, $value, $control_name)
$editor = &JFactory::getEditor();
/* @var $editor JEditor */
$param[] = '<label id="' . $control_name . $node->attributes('name') . '-lbl">' . $node->attributes('label') . '</label>';
$param[] = $editor->display($control_name . '[' . $node->attributes('name') . ']', $value, 500, 500, 50, 10, false, $control_name . $node->attributes('name'));
$param[] = '';
$param[] = $node->attributes('label');
$param[] = $value;
$param[] = $node->attributes('name');
return $param;
* Load component main params configuration.
* @return JParameter

function loadComponentParams()
static $params;
if (is_null($params)) {
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
/* @var $db JDatabaseMySQL */
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0') >= 0)
$query = 'SELECT `params` FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `element` = \'' . OPTION . '\'';
$query = 'SELECT `params` FROM `#__components` WHERE `option` = \'' . OPTION . '\' AND `parent` = 0';
$params = (string) $db->loadResult();

$db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM `#__booking_config`');
$data = $db->loadAssocList();
foreach($data as $val)
$array[$val['key']] = $val['value'];
$params = new JParameter($params, CONFIG);
return $params;
Warning: Invalid arg ...
Category: Customer Support
How do I install it?
the administrator can not see anything, I feel a little cheated

excuse my English

Note: I have no method preinstalled
Buy the booking comp ...
Category: Customer Support
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