I have the booking system set up for 3-5 nights booking for one price and 6 or more nights at a reduced price.
Works great, Unless the customer navigates away from the page for any reason, tries to book a second trailer (item) for instance. Then the calendar becomes unselctable/ unbookable and/or the colors and pricing shows up different.
Examples with screenshots:
Normal booking navigated to by Availabilty Calendar. Screenshot shows Calendars showing exactly correct.
Customer Uses "Next Month" link at bottom of calendars. Calendars become unselctable/ un bookable.
Customer uses Reset on Availability Calendar and navigates back to book in March / April
Calendar is still unselctable/un bookable.
Calendars remain this way until browser cache and cookies are cleared. Screen shot shows calendars as they should be with a Grey box on the left for 3-5 day booking and a Green box on the right for 6 or more days booking.
I currently have the site set for No Caching in the server settings, but I have tried both Caching and No Caching and get the same results.