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Profile for scoutingborculo

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 15
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Any plans yet for an Jevents extension for Joomsef 4?
Jevents extension fo ...
Category: Feature Requests

Had some problem tried to fix this but never did step 1 this seems to resolve the problem.
Joomla 2.5 auto upda ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

Fixed with a configuration parameter at Joomsef 4.1.0. At the Global Configuration - Advanced tab I have set “SEF URLs using component template” from No to Yes. Detail Photo link is now correctly created and working as:

Phoca Gallery Sef Ex ...
Category: Extensions
Joomla 1.7.0 Stable
Joomla SEO Enabled Yes
Use Apache mod rewrite enabled Yes (with .htaccess file)
Joomsef 4.1.0
Phoca Galleryy Sef Extension 3.0.0
Phoco Gallery 3.0.2

I have created a menu item with the name photobook linked to the Phoca Gallery » List Of Categories (Categories View) component in the Main Menu tree.

The SEF link at the Front Site is correct created as /photobook

I have created a category 2011 with a sub category album-name. The category url is also correctly turned into a SEF link /photobook/2011/album-name

However when I hoover over a thumbnail in the album it shows a non SEF url resulting in an 404 error. At the beginning there is a double index.php added which results in the 404 error. Question is however why the detail url is not SEF.


With Joomsef disabled using only Joomla Basic SEF the link to the Detail looks like this and is working correctly.


Please provide a working solution for the detail url not been created with Joomsef enabled.

Edit 1:

Been digging the code of Phoca found something interesting in

At line 1233 and 1235

$siteLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=detail&catid='.$category->slug.'&id='. $items[$iS]->slug.'&Itemid='. JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 0, '', 'int') );
} else {
$siteLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=detail&catid='.$category->slug.'&id='. $items[$iS]->slug.'&tmpl=component'.'&Itemid='. JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 0, '', 'int') );

After placing a / in front off index.php the double index.php in the detail url is working but only for Detail view.

$siteLink = JRoute::_('/index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=detail&catid='.$category->slug.'&id='. $items[$iS]->slug.'&Itemid='. JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 0, '', 'int') );
} else {
$siteLink = JRoute::_('/index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=detail&catid='.$category->slug.'&id='. $items[$iS]->slug.'&tmpl=component'.'&Itemid='. JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 0, '', 'int') );

Edit 2:

Clean install Joomsef, Phoca extension and Phoca Gallery

Uninstall process:

Removed Phoca Gallery within Joomla
Removed Joomsef and extensions within Joomla
Removed files from server
Removed components records from database

Install Process:

Installed Phoca Gallery

With basic Joomla Sef support all links are created correctly and working.

Menu item url = /multimedia/photobook
Category url = /multimedia/photobook/category/2-album-name
Photo detail url = /multimedia/photobook/2-album-name/detail/1-img4451?tmpl=component

Installed Joomsef 4.1.0.

With Joomsef enabled SEF url looks like this after cleaning cache and Purge SEF url’s. Photo detail is a non SEF url and is not working due to a double index.php in the url.

Menu item url = /multimedia/photobook
Category url = /multimedia/photobook/category/2-album-name
Photo detail url = /index.php/index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=detail&catid=2:album-name&id=1:img4451&tmpl=component&Itemid=220

Installed JoomSef Phoca Extension

SEF url are created for menu item and Category view and working. Again the Photo detail url is a non sef url and not working resulting in a 404 error.

Menu item url = /photobook
Category url = /photobook/2011/album-name
Photo detail url = /index.php/index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=detail&catid=2:album-name&id=1:img4451&tmpl=component&Itemid=220
Phoca Gallery Sef Ex ...
Category: Extensions

While working on my website I thought looking at the pagination of the Blog items these are still wrong... Maybe there is someone now at the forum who has a clue why this has happened all the sudden.
Blog menu item pagin ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

All of the sudden I noticed some strange SEF urls in Google webmaster tools and my sitemap. I figured out that these come from bad pagination. The urls look like ‘activiteiten/13.html – activiteiten/19.html’ if you want to see for your self please visit from the menu on the left enter ‘activiteiten’. On the bottom of the screen you will see the bad pagination just hoover of the pagination links. It also happens under ‘cycloongroep - persberichten’. The menu item ‘activiteiten is a Blog – Content Section same for ‘persberichten’

In our Joomsef configuration the option ‘Page Text’ is set to ‘pagina_%s’ making the pagination look like ‘pagina_1’ and on. It worked for a long time but I have no idea when they changed. Were using Joomla 1.0.15 with Joomsef 2.3.2 but upgraded to 2.3.4 with the same result.

On my test server at home I removed Joomsef, any files left and looked at the database to make sure all remains are gone. Then did a clean install without making any changes to the configuration file but still a broken pagination.

All my other SEF urls are correctly created without any problems it looks like it only happens in blog menu items.

Any help is welcome I have no idea where to look further.
Blog menu item pagin ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

Last evening I have been playing around with sh404sef which is as Artio an fork from 404sef. For that I removed Artio from our test environment and replaced it with the latest build of sh404sef straight out of the box only enabled using htaccess support nothing else has been changed. It does not create the extra index.php after the domain. I would be very happy if this could be build into Artio SEF ass well. It might not look important but we have a www.domain-name.tld as well as an www.domain-name.tld/index.php both indexed by search enginen, which means it has dupe content.

Another question: would it be possible to have a confirm question on the purge options just to make sure an accidental purge does not happen…..
Can we not display i ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi Jirka,

Hello Sean,
Second, as regards the problem you mention, yes, you are correct. The link mentioned is not generated through the JoomSEF module. To change this behaviour, some changes in Joomla core files would be needed.

We may apply a patch which will solve this quite soon, but it is not priority #1 for us right now, so please be patient.

is this still on the list of future changes? My main entry page can be reached as our-url as well as the our-url/index.php. From seo point of view duplicate content is not good. I have worked around this using the robots.txt blocking the our-url/index.php to stop robots indexing the our-url/index.php page.
Can we not display i ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

The filter option still does not work in Internet Explorer but I found a workaround.

- In the filter SEF area enter your keyword to filter.
- Click below somewhere in the real url area.
JoomSef filter sef u ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

* Goto Mambots
* Goto Site Mambots
* Unpublish the ARTIO JoomSEF MetaBot
Joomla SEO patch ext ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

#RewriteEngine On

Should be

RewriteEngine On

# RewriteBase /main

If Joomla is in a sub directory main uncomment removing the # else

RewriteBase /

########## Begin - Joomla! core SEF Section

All options commented this is ok..

########## Begin - 3rd Party SEF Section

Not ok uncomment by removing the # in front of the rewrite rules.

Post edited by: althoffm, at: 2007/09/06 18:59<br><br>Post edited by: althoffm, at: 2007/09/06 19:04
Not Found/ 404 on al ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

Instead of:

&lt;a name=\&quot;top\&quot;&gt;
&lt;a href=\&quot;#top\&quot;&gt;go up&lt;/a&gt;

Use the following in your template index.php

&lt;a id=\&quot;top\&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;a href=\&quot;&lt;?php echo sefRelToAbs($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).\&quot;#top\&quot;; ?&gt;\&quot;&gt;go up&lt;/a&gt;<br><br>Post edited by: althoffm, at: 2007/09/06 18:48
Anker \&quot;to top\ ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Just upgraded to the latest version of Joomsef, one thing has been fixed on the last page end is now really end. But I have noticed some weird pagination behaviour to replicate:

  • the website in question
  • Go to ‘activiteiten’ on the left menu.
  • Go to the pagination results on the bottom of the page click on ‘Einde’.

On the bottom again you see the pagination results, page 11 is linking to pagina_11.html now hover your mouse over pagination result 12 hmmm it shows pagina_13.html (pagina is Dutch for page).

11 links to pagina_11.html this is ok
12 links to pagina_13.html not ok
13 links to pagina_14.html not ok
14 links to pagina_15.html not ok
15 links to pagina_16.html not ok
16 links to pagina_17.html not ok
17 links to pagina_18.html not ok
18 links to pagina_21.html this is strange
19 links to pagina_19.html this is ok
20 not linked end of the pagination this is ok<br><br>Post edited by: althoffm, at: 2007/09/03 00:58
blog section menu pa ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

After the setup of Joomsef I would like to setup some redirects but I have trouble defining the right rules.


old url in google : www.domain-name/contact-pagina/
new url joomsef : www.domain-name/contact-pagina.html


old url in google : www.domain-name/contact-pagina/speltakken/
new url joomsef : www.domain-name/contact-pagina/speltakken.html

Added to my .htaccess

redirect 301 /contact-pagina/ www.domain-name/contact-pagina.html
redirect 301 /contact-pagina/speltakken/ www.domain-name/contact-pagina/speltakken.html

1. The first old Url gets redirected from Google to the new location just fine.
2. The second url not it produces a url like www.domain-name/contact-pagina.htmlspeltakken/ which gives a 404 error.

At this moment the .htaccess 301 rules have been removed not to mess up google even more.....
Joomsef and using ht ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

Were in the process of looking into Artio JoomSef as an replacement for our current SEF component. Were testing Artio on our test server and for a few minor issues we may solve our self Artio may become a good candidate.

While testing we found that we were unable to filter sef urls we can reproduce this using the latest JoomSef with Internet Explorer 6.0.2900..2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254 (Dutch language). If we enter a filter word and press enter nothing happens, If I switch to Firefox the filter options works like it should.


- View/Edit SEF Urls
- Filter SEF line, enter a keyword to filter sef url
- Press enter
JoomSef filter sef u ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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