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Configuration for the UK? SMS send error.
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VirtueMart utility to send SMS messages on different events.
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TOPIC: Configuration for the UK? SMS send error.

Configuration for the UK? SMS send error. 8 years, 10 months ago #47500

Hi All,

I have tried to use the send text from the dashboard to test my installation but i keep getting the error:

(114) Unknown recipient phone number (missing country code?)

I have selected my country code as United Kingdom (44) and have tried various numbers in the box titled 'Add local country code to numbers with digits less than or equal to:' but cannot seem to get it to send. Uk Numbers are in the format 07### ### ###, thus i have tried using all values from 9 to 12 in this dropdown, cleared the cache after every change and attempted to send the test message, but still i'm getting the error? The logs show the number as 7### ### ### without the leading 0. What am i doing wrong here?

24.03.2016 11:18:13 SMS Error (114) Unknown recipient phone number (missing country code?) 749345#### 0.00
24.03.2016 11:17:51 SMS Error (114) Unknown recipient phone number (missing country code?) 749345#### 0.00
24.03.2016 11:16:35 SMS Error (114) Unknown recipient phone number (missing country code?) 749345#### 0.00

I have read the documentation and looked at the example for the czech number, and even looked up the number format to compare it, but im baffled?

Please help.
Best Regards
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Re: Configuration for the UK? SMS send error. 8 years, 8 months ago #47648

Was this ever resolved? I am having the same problem . and am having credits deducted whilst no messages are getting through. The UK mobile phone numbte is in this format 0XX XXX XXXXX so do i need to use 9, 10, 11 or what to get a message sent?
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Re: Configuration for the UK? SMS send error. 8 years, 8 months ago #47654


I logged this with support and got the following response. I hope this helps.

The settings to add local country code to phone numbers work only for messages sent to phone numbers from VirtueMart orders automatically. If you send the SMS manually from the Control Panel, you need to enter the complete phone number including the country code, for example 4407#########.

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Re: Configuration for the UK? SMS send error. 8 years, 8 months ago #47658

Thanks for the reply,

Its the automatic sending of texts I want. It should be working like that out of the box, im not sure why should have to buy a support ticket for built in functionailty that is not working? What other choice is there?
Last Edit: 8 years, 8 months ago by Geospectrum .
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Re: Configuration for the UK? SMS send error. 8 years, 7 months ago #47720

I have Artio SMS working fine now, very nice and handy integrates well into Joomla and Virtuemart. Nice
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