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VM Invoice 4 Changelog

--- 4.0.6 --- [10.7.2024]
Fix - Modified DB update file format for Joomla! to recognize changes correctly
Fix - Selecting different shopper group price when adding product to order
Fix - Background image in invoice

--- 4.0.5 --- [22.2.2024]
New - Prevent duplicate invoice numbers on DB level
Imp - Determine coupon tax rate automatically if not set
Fix - Order ID filter also searches by order number
Fix - DB error when saving new user
Fix - Display error when order item can't be saved

--- 4.0.4 --- [29.9.2023]
Fix - Saving order for guest customer
Fix - Error when saving order with some payment plugins

--- 4.0.3 --- [12.9.2023]
Fix - Error when free product was added to order
Fix - Incorrect credit note value in e-mail sent from VirtueMart
Fix - Component not displayed in Czech for Slovak users when Czech language not installed

--- 4.0.2 --- [18.8.2023]
Fix - Batch downloading multiple PDF invoices
Fix - Error when converting weight units for products with empty weight
Fix - Adding unpublished products to order

--- 4.0.1 --- [7.8.2023]
Fix - Disabling "Apply to all items" not working
Fix - Saving "Customer note" field
Fix - Saving payment currency and total to plugin table in DB
Fix - Compatibility with Joomla! 4 (isAdmin() function call)

--- 4.0.0 --- [20.6.2023]
New - First version of VM Invoice 4 for Joomla 4 and VirtueMart 4
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