i have purchased VM invoice to try and come up with a solution for my employees to enter orders that we receive over the phone.
i don't know if there are some setting that i can change, or if there is anything else in the works for this component.
1) when i add products manually, they are adding at regular price and not the sale price we have set on our website.
2)is there a way to only have payment and shipping modules show up that are published on our website.
3) Statues/vender/currency can we set a default and let the person taking the order change it if they need to.
4) Is it possible to add more input fields, like a place to enter CC #,
5) is it possible to tie into the payment gateway if a customer wants to pay with Credit Card?
6) is is possible to add a button next to add products to just make the entire list of products show up?
I would also be willing to pay for some work to make this happen.
I'm really looking for a central location that i can have any person enter orders for us.