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Profile for artechulate

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I did find the payment info area (missed it at the bottom of the list) and did turn it on but it still does not show on the invoice.

I'm using Alatek's Offline Credit Card Processing:

It is a paid product so I don't feel comfortable sharing it without their permission. I did attach a snapshot of the structure of the database where the information is stored. As best as I can tell, it conforms to the virtuemart_payment_plg_***.

I will ask if I can send a copy of the plug-in to you.

I will also take a look at getter.php.

Any other information you can provide will be appreciated.

Payment_Info does no ...
Category: Customer Support
I've attached a txt file with the HTML code from my invoice template, items block header, and items block table row. I originally copied this from the Artio Demo site for the VM Module and then edited as I needed.

I'm do not need to use the extra fields but notice that they do not work either. I have them enabled and specified a few fields for them but they do not appear on the invoice.

The most important thing is for me to be able to add the credit card verification info to the invoice I have created. Any help with this is appreciated.
Payment_Info does no ...
Category: Customer Support
I unzipped the files locally and then edited the file admin/sql/install.mysql.utf8.sql as described previously. Specifically, I changed the length of the document and type fields to 25:

`document` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
`type` varchar(25) NOT NULL,

I then reshipped the files and installed without problem. Still waiting to hear if these solution will cause other issues.
Install Failed with ...
Category: Customer Support
After a painful install which I posted about in another topic, I have everything working EXCEPT I can't get the payment info to display on the invoice. According to the release notes, this should now be available.

I've tried using the payment_info field but nothing is displayed.

I am using a third party payment method but this information is visible when editing a VM order. Specifically, I'm looking for the name on the credit card, an incomplete credit card number (all but last 4), expire date, and CCV, i.e. all the information that is presented for user verification.

I can't find any option that allows me to show or hide this information such as exists with shipping info.

Am I using the right field? If not, which one should I use?
Payment_Info does no ...
Category: Customer Support
Answered my first question. Yes, it causes a problem.

However, the install problem was not caused by trying to designate 3 primary fields, but rather the length of those fields.

I again modified "install.mysql.utf8.sql" as follows:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__vminvoice_templates` (
`config_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`document` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
`type` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'custom name',
`template` text NULL,
`params` text NOT NULL,
`last_template_change` INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`config_id`,`document`,`type` ),
KEY `last_template_change` (`last_template_change`)
) ;

Changing the length of document and type to 25 rather than 255.

This works.

Will this cause a problem I have not yet discovered?
Install Failed with ...
Category: Customer Support
Trying again to attach files referenced in original post. The sql was renamed with a .txt extension.
Install Failed with ...
Category: Customer Support
I purchased the VM Invoice product this afternoon and attempted to install on a clean installation of Joomla 2.5.19, Virtumart 2.0.26d and received the following error:

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL DB function failed with error number 1071 (screenshot attached).

It was installed on the test site I provided during purchase.

I edited the file "install.mysql.utf8.sql" in the admin/sql folder of the unzipped install and removed the field "type" from the primary key for the table vminvoice_template. I left "config_id" and "document" as primary keys (file attached). After rezipping the file, I was able to install it without further errors (screenshot attached).

Side note: I happened upon this fix by attempting to manually add the vminvoice_template table. Using PHPMyAdmin provided by my hosting company, I was unable to designate three fields as primary.

I will begin using the program on my test site but want to know if this will cause any issues long term. I need this to go live ASAP. Many thanks!
Install Failed with ...
Category: Customer Support
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