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Profile for Maljonic

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  • Posts: 19
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Or if you want a demo of the same error using .html as your extension, try making a page called Night Mlord with title alias nightmlord (as I suggested in the other thread) - this will create niord.html.
niares nightmares
Category: JoomSEF 3
you have to use the extension .htm to get the error, not .html.
niares nightmares
Category: JoomSEF 3
Well I bought your latest version and it does my dictionary quite well, which is good, but I still have the nightmares problem, as reported here (and dully ignored) almost a year ago:

If you set Joomsef to use title alias and the extension .htm and give your page the alias nightmares, Joomsef rewrites the url as niares.htm - give it a try and see for yourself. It literally is a bit of a nightmare, I imagine it does similar thing with other words that have htm somewhere inside them, or even html (though I can't think of any words that do, nightmlord perhaps?).
ext_joomsef_virtuema ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thank you , I got it. I would buy the latest version, I said ages ago that I wouldn't mind spending money on Artio before you started selling Joomsef. The only problem with it is that the latest versions don't seem to work with a sef extension that I made myself for seyret video. There's also still one site where I don't use joomsef because it messes up a url where my title alias is nightmares (because it has HTM in the middle I think), which I mentioned ages ago on here I'm sure, so I would consider getting a copy for that site if this has been fixed?
ext_joomsef_virtuema ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I sent the email to eshop @ - just replied to my purchase email. Please can you tell me where to get VM extension 1.0.x. from, or just PM me how I can alter the one I bought by mistake?
ext_joomsef_virtuema ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I also can't get ext_joomsef_virtuemart_1.1 to work. It either does nothing at all when I install it or the menu item for virtuemart actually disappears!

I tried emailing but I've had no reply. Can mister Artio try and fix it for me or give me a refund?


P.S. This is with Joomla 113 and Joomsef 115.
ext_joomsef_virtuema ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I'm using opensef on that site with glossary. I got someone to make me a sef_ext for it from joomlancers.

I still use Joomsef for a lot of my sites but I have to use Opensef for that one because Joomsef has problems with the 404 logs creating URLs that don't exist and that site has hundreds of pages so I couldn't keep up with all the error log mistakes.

Opensef is a pain because you have to click the links to make the URLs, which takes ages if you have hundreds of pages, but it doesn't fowl up on the error logs and it doesn't create differntly named URLs if you have more than one link to a page from different menus. Joomsef gets around its item ID problem sort of by allowing you to ignore item IDs, but if you do that the site wont work properly.

Ideally I would like a combination of Joomsef and Opensef, they both have good points that the other doesn't, and I've donated money to both of them. The coders on both scripts though are very slow to respond to anything, even when you offer them money, so it gets frustrating after a bit if you want anything fixed properly. I donate money to one and wait, they do a couple of fixes but not everything, then I get tired of waiting and try the other one instead where the same thing happens.... so I just muddle through and try to get sites to work with Joomsef or Opensef the best I can, whichever one I think will work closest to what I need it to do.

If I was a better coder I would do it mysef. :)
Category: JoomSEF 3
Is there any news on this yet?
404 logs still cause ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Great, I was beginning to lose hope. :)
404 logs still cause ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I've sent you a couple of emails about this but you haven't replied yet.

The 404 error logs are still causing errors in Joomsef.

Example (please anyone try this): (using title alias for URLs) I intend to make a page called dog.html but I hav NOT made that page yet, I am working on cats.html and put a static link to dogs.html on my cats.html page. Now I publish the cats page and click my dogs.html link, which of course makes a 404 error because I have not made the dogs page yet.

This is where the problem starts. When I DO make the dogs.html page the 404 error log created when I clicked the above link interferes with the creation of my new page URL, as if I already have a dogs.html when I do not, and it makes dogs2.html.

To fix this I have to delete the error log AND delete the dogs2.html log, which is ok for this one link - but if I have 10 people making links this way every week, creating a page and adding in the links to pages they haven't made yet, it causes a huge mess - do you understand what I'm saying?

I can't think of a way to explain it any simpler than that. It basically makes Joomsef unusable to me at the moment because I have lots of editors who want to make pages and don't have the time for them to keep going back and adding in links after new pages are created so they don't break Joomsef operations.

Like I said in my email I think you should make the 404 logs a seperate entity so they do NOT interfer with URL creation in any way or remove the 404 log function all together, which I don't mind because it serves no function to me whatsoever - just causes me a lot of work if I use Joomsef.

If you can fix this I will, as promised, donate $90 US towards Joomsef to become a sponsoring member.

404 logs still cause ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
You would normally do that in your Joomla configuration.php, at line 44 it says:

$mosConfig_live_site = ''; - for instance.

edit: and to make sure it always redirects to www, put thisd in your .htaccess file:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=permanent,L]

Again using the same site as an example.<br><br>Post edited by: Maljonic, at: 2007/03/01 21:23
Change http:// to ht ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I think the 404 logs are connected to the URL logs somehow, so if you click on a link in an article that doesn't exist yet or Google goes to a link that doesn't excist yet, but obviously did in the past but you've restarted Joomsef, the 404 error caused by this makes Joomsef add that address to its database as if it were a link already made, so when you click the menu link or browse your pages for the first time after restarting Joomsef it creates an extra blabla2.htm because it thinks blabla.htm already exists because of the 404 logs storing it.

I'm not sure how clearly I've written my above theory, if it makes sense or not, but I do know that if you purge your SEF URLs you have to purge your 404 logs as well to be rid of the blabla2.htm, so they must be connected somehow.

I think the SEF URLs are created as you browse the pages where they are located, so if you purge your SEF URLs then purge your 404 logs then browse through all your pages before anyone else or Google etc can get a look at them all your link will be ok. Of course this is very easy to do if you only have 20 pages, but it's quite a task if you have 5000 pages.

Personally I would be happy to do away with the 404 logs if it stopped this bug, but ideally they would be seperated out from the rest of the system so they have no influence whatsoever over created SEF URLs.
Multiple SEF links t ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I don't think they're calling it a bug, but rather a fix - just that it upsets a lot of people's setup.
Multiple SEF links t ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have a similar, or possible worse, problem. For some reason some of my pages get rewritten newsitem-2.html when they were origianally written newsitem.html and are indexed in Google as newsitem.html, but now that URL has gone because it has changed. Purging SEF URls doesn't work, some URLs still get rewritten with a number 2 instead of just .html. THe only way I can fix it is to use PHPMyadmin to empty the redirection table, which is a total pain because it keeps happening all the time. I can't have my content changing it's address in this way because it will never be indexed by anyone.
Multiple SEF links t ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi again,

I just noticed that my glossary listed above runs very slowyly when &quot;use default handler&quot; is chosen, but I really need the short urls.

Can you tell me if it would work better if there was a sef extention for glossary 2?
Category: JoomSEF 3
Can you tell me why nightmares gets changed to niares? I can't figure out how to stop it from doing that, it's driving me crazy. :)
niares nightmares
Category: JoomSEF 3

Thanks Michal that's actually pretty cool. I can add keywords and a description into parts of the site where there wasn't any, like the main categories for instance.
Category: JoomSEF 3
Okay, if I can't get an answer on the component thing, what about the meta tag stuff?

Ostrava, 5.12.2006 - Today we have released new version of ARTIO JoomSEF component. It includes new meta-tags generation feature,...
Where is this feature, I can't see it?
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, I just installed this latest version and I think it's great, the home page link is fixed which is a huge plus. I donated €20.00, Transaction ID: 4KW83244GJ102842E, to say thanks a couple of days ago.

Anyway I just want to ask two things.

1. I don't see the meta tag thing anywhere that's mentioned in the description of ARTIO JoomSEF 131. I don't really need that bit but just wondered where it is.

2. Is there a way to JoomSEF Glossary 2, I have this running here:

It's not actually that bad the way it is, pages are called 1243.htm etc, but it would be cool if they could be called after their title, like the other pages.

Great work anyway, this is one of the best components out there for Joomla! :)
Category: JoomSEF 3
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