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Virtuemart Ext - Incorrect Main Category Links
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TOPIC: Virtuemart Ext - Incorrect Main Category Links

Virtuemart Ext - Incorrect Main Category Links 13 years, 5 months ago #19284

Just upgraded to the latest JoomSEF with VirtueMart Extension. My main product categories links are incorrect. They show a product category which does not belong to that product.

The correct URL's should be as follows (it was correct before the JoomSEF/Extension upgrade):

"rental-packages" category is NOT a parent category to any of these categories, but it shows as if it is.

This is happening to ALL the category links on our site. It is adding "rental-packages' to each URL. I've managed to change some URL's manually and removed the incorrect category, but there are over 100 URL's generated with this incorrect category listed.

I've tried purging SEF URL's, clearing cache, and update URL options.

I also found some other posts from other users with similar problems. Instructions to correct were to go to VM Extension, then Common Tab, then change: Show Menu Title = NO <---- this is already set to NO in my extension. Don't know where else to look/fix.

Thank you.
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Re: Virtuemart Ext - Incorrect Main Category Links 13 years, 5 months ago #19299

Anyone? My site is live, and I need to get this fixed ASAP for SEO purposes.

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Re: Virtuemart Ext - Incorrect Main Category Links 13 years, 5 months ago #19391

Hello? I really can't figure this out. I've tried to clear the cache, and same thing. I would have to manually change the SEF URL's for each incorrect category, which is well over 100 of them!

I shouldn't have to do this. It was working fine, prior to the upgrade. What am did I miss? I also tried to redirect using the old SEF URL to the new one, but that doesn't work either. Google Analytics is reporting over 300+ links as 404's.

This is not good.
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