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Artio and xmap
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TOPIC: Artio and xmap

Artio and xmap 15 years, 7 months ago #6128

  • Sigi
  • Posts: 12
Is there a workaround for Artio and the xmap (Sitemap) component, because when i turn off Artio the xml File in xmap produces no error, when I turn on I get this error:
Fehler beim Laden des Stylesheets: Beim Laden eines XSLT-Stylesheets ist ein Netzwerkfehler

I need the xmap for Google Webmaster Tools

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Re:Artio and xmap 15 years, 7 months ago #6158

  • jaku

as far as I know, there should be no problem with xmap. I have seen JoomSEF on several sites with xmap running fine.
Could you be more specific about the error? Is there any error output?
In any case, you should be able to set SEF URL generation for xmap to nocache in JoomSEF configuration.
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Re:Artio and xmap 15 years, 6 months ago #6246

  • ooo3
  • Posts: 1
I experience the same problem.

When I check the xmap generated XML code, I found my google analysis code is added at the end of the XML page which invalidate the XML file format.

Is it possible to exclude the xmap XML file from inserting the google code ?
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