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How to migrate from JoomDOC2 (DocMAN) into JoomDOC4.

Last revised:
Tuesday, 25 October 2016


Install JoomDOC4 into Joomla! 2.5 or Joomla! 3. Copy JoomDOC2 or DocMAN tables from old Joomla! 1.5 database into new Joomla! database. JoomDOC2 tables have prefix j15_joomdoc_. DocMAN tables have prefix j15_docman_. For JoomDOC2 rename tables according to the below table. For DocMAN only change database prefix to j3_. You probably use different table prefixes then j15_ and j3_. Prefixes j15_ and j3_ only are examples.

Original JoomDOC2 table name in Joomla! 1.5 databaseJoomDOC2 table name in new Joomla! database prepared to the migration
j15_joomdoc j3_joomdoc2
j15_joomdoc_groups j3_joomdoc2_groups
j15_joomdoc_history j3_joomdoc2_history
j15_joomdoc_licenses j3_joomdoc2_licences
j15_joomdoc_log j3_joomdoc2_log

Copy table j15_categories from old database into new database as j3_categories. The current j3_categories table backup and after migration restore. Copy folder with documents from old Joomla! web-root into new Joomla! web-root. Open JoomDOC4 Control Panel and go to the Migration tab. Enter relative path of documents folder (copied from old Joomla) and click migration button.

Migrated items

  • documents
  • categories as folders
  • licenses

The migration also fix URLs into new format in

  • articles
  • menu items
  • custom HTML modules
  • JoomSEF SEF URLs

Migration preparing

Migration should go into the clean database. You should empty (truncate) tables j3_joomdoc and j3_joomdoc_file first. Document root folder of the new Joomla! should be empty as well.


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