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Profile for chula

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 01:57
  • Posts: 7
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Thank you Makl.

May I ask you to update Changelog since it is not updated from 1.7.2013. I would like to install new version only if this bug has been fixed.

Thanks in advance for the answer.
Negative discount va ...
Category: Customer Support
Sorry for asking again. It is urgent for me. Is there any progress on this issue? How far is solution for the problem?
Negative discount va ...
Category: Customer Support
Thank you very much for prompt info.

Do you expecting that this issue can be solved in less then a week? If it is not possible, I have to find solution by myself, so please let me know.

Negative discount va ...
Category: Customer Support
Component calculating wrong price when item has discount. If item price is 100 and discount is 10, calculated price is 110 instead of 90.

The problem can be solved by adding a minus (-) in front of discount value, however it make problems to third parity components and logical thinking humans. :)

It is urgent to me if can be solved.

Any help will be highly appreciated.
Negative discount va ...
Category: Customer Support
Translation for version 2.0.21.
Serbian Translation
Category: Translations
Just for anyone interested, I solve case with Access list. It is a hack for extension, and not so elegant, but it works perfect for me.

I used tutorial from here:
And that's how I added ACL support for component. It is really very simple, and it will not take more then half hour to implement with no need for any PHP knowledge.

Then, I needed to hide configuration options from some group of users (Conltrol Panle, Global Configuration, Invoice Configuration, etc. leaving just Create New Order and Invoice Management).

To achieve that I repeat step 2 from tutorial and add access check to all views (view.html form folders config, fields, info, etc). Right below "defined('_JEXEC') or die;" I add:
// Access check.
if (!JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.admin', 'com_vminvoice')) {
header( 'Location: index.php');
// return JError::raiseWarning(404, JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'));

Please note that I change autorise check form core.manage to core.admin
This returns user to admin panel if he don't have rights to change configuration.

It works perfect for me, even the solution is not so much elegant. I hope it will help someone too.
Category: Feature Requests
Access lists are essential! If it is possible to cover just Control Panel items it will be great.
Category: Feature Requests
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