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Profile for Funtasy

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 19:57
  • Posts: 4
  • Profile Views: 2881
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Thanks but I already fixed it myself by the help of some coders.
Tax not corrent on P ...
Category: Customer Support

I have tried to fix this myself but everything I try, nothing is working and I can't find the basecode to edit a couple of things to make it work.

What my problem is is the tax.

My tax is 21%. Into the administration panel on the reservations, it's all correct. The price of the article is 121% and he calculates the tax 21%

BUT, when I make a PDF invoice of it and uses the command " {total_price_tax} ". It doesn't reflect this.
He just thinks that the total price ( price of the article ) is 100% and not 121% and then calculates the 21% on top of that.

Example: Total price = 98,00 EUR
Tax = 20,58 EUR but Tax should be 17,01 ( this is correct in the ARTIO Booking: Reservation panel )

If I edit the price of the article towards the price without tax then the total price in the invoice doen't add up the tax to it so that still not correct.

How do I solve this?
Tax not corrent on P ...
Category: Customer Support
Common !

It's been long enough without an answer ...

Or some one helps me, or I don't buy this product ...
Getting a Fatal erro ...
Category: Community Support
I keep getting this fatal error. I tried installing it on the normal way and by uploading it into the tmp files but neither way works.
Can you help me out so I can test everything out on my own website instead on the demo site before buying the product?

Fatal error: Cannot access protected property JInstallerComponent::$manifest in /home/....../domains/....../public_html/administrator/components/com_booking/ on line 98
Getting a Fatal erro ...
Category: Community Support
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