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Profile for peterson.gomes

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 10:55
  • Posts: 5
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I Hello,

I had a similar problem migrating from version 2.0.23 to 2.0.27.
I use VM 2.0.2 and Joomla 1.5.26.

In my case, there was trouble in creating new order (vmfilter.php not found) and "table order dont exist".

There is incompatibility with the previous version of VM or VM INVOICE plugin?
New Version 2.0.27
Category: Customer Support
I had the same problem in version 2.0.23, and changed the way this search as follows:

1) Tunning this querie in the file: \administrator\components\com_vminvoice\helpers\getter.php
In my case only consider in filter the fields after the WHERE clouse:
static function getAjaxUserList($filterOrig)
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$filter = $db->Quote('%'.$db->getEscaped(JString::strtolower(JString::trim($filterOrig)), true).'%');

//get user list with all shipping adresses

//get user list with all shipping adresses

$searchId = is_numeric($filterOrig) ? ' OR BT.virtuemart_user_id = '.(int)$filterOrig : '';
$db->setQuery('SELECT ST.`address_type_name`, ST.`virtuemart_userinfo_id` AS st_user_info_id,
BT.`virtuemart_user_id` AS user_id, BT.`virtuemart_userinfo_id` AS bt_user_info_id,
BT.`last_name`, BT.`first_name`, BT.`title`, BT.`middle_name`, BT.`company`, BT.`city`
FROM `#__virtuemart_userinfos` AS BT
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_userinfos` AS ST ON (BT.virtuemart_user_id = ST.virtuemart_user_id AND ST.`address_type` = "ST")
LEFT JOIN `#__users` AS U ON
WHERE (BT.`address_type` = "BT"
AND BT.`first_name` LIKE ' . $filter . '
AND BT.`first_name` LIKE ' . $filter . '
OR BT.`CUSTOM_FIELD_1` LIKE ' . $filter . '
'.$searchId . ' ) ORDER BY BT.`first_name`', 0, 50);

/* original querie commented below*/
$searchId = is_numeric($filterOrig) ? ' OR BT.virtuemart_user_id = '.(int)$filterOrig : '';
$db->setQuery('SELECT ST.`address_type_name`, ST.`virtuemart_userinfo_id` AS st_user_info_id,
BT.`virtuemart_user_id` AS user_id, BT.`virtuemart_userinfo_id` AS bt_user_info_id,
BT.`last_name`, BT.`first_name`, BT.`title`, BT.`middle_name`, BT.`company`, BT.`city`
FROM `#__virtuemart_userinfos` AS BT
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_userinfos` AS ST ON (BT.virtuemart_user_id = ST.virtuemart_user_id AND ST.`address_type` = "ST")
LEFT JOIN `#__users` AS U ON
WHERE (BT.`address_type` = "BT"
AND BT.`last_name` LIKE ' . $filter . '
OR BT.`first_name` LIKE ' . $filter . '
OR U.`email` LIKE ' . $filter . '
OR BT.`company` LIKE ' . $filter . '
OR BT.`city` LIKE ' . $filter . '
OR ST.`address_type_name` LIKE ' . $filter . ' )
ORDER BY BT.`last_name`', 0, 50);

2) Suggestion, change in the file "\administrator\components\com_vminvoice\views\order\tmpl\userinfo.php", on input field "user" the propertie "onkeyup" to execute the function "generateWhisper" only the "enter" is pressed.

[ ]`s
Very slow query sear ...
Category: Customer Support

I sent a e-mail with information to you, but I didn't receive a answer.
In attach, I am sending the request again.

Discount does not ap ...
Category: Customer Support
When I select a client from a shopper group, the system don't apply the discount using the rules of this group. The system apply the discount rules considering the group of user logged operating the VM INVOICE.

Is there some setting or adjustment to correct this rule?

Discount does not ap ...
Category: Customer Support
The order numbers generated by VM Invoice follow a different pattern than use.

In VM I changed the numbering on file:

in method changed:
private function generateOrderNumber($uid = 0,$length=10, $virtuemart_vendor_id)
// changed by numer ordering

$db = JFactory::getDBO();

$q = 'SELECT max(virtuemart_order_id) as maxOrder FROM #__virtuemart_orders';

$count = $db->loadResult();

return $count+1;

I wonder if you can change the VM Invoice to follow the same pattern.
Order Number instead ...
Category: Customer Support
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