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Profile for vhdes

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 02:42
  • Posts: 7
  • Profile Views: 3067
  • Location: Oregon, USA
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  • Birthdate: Unknown




A little more info: I was able to fix the code to generate the correct URL with the com_joomdoc reference by editing line 15. However, the com_linkdoc/views/process/tmpl/default.php refers to the old docman_2 schema. I fixed it by replacing the "#__docman_2" token on line 36 with "#__joomdoc". While I get now the full set of current documents, unfortunately they all appear under the last category. Will take a little more debugging to get them to 1) list the full category hierarchy, and 2) list the documents under their assigned category.
Button Plugin
Category: JoomDOC
The component fixed the popup content problem, but there remains at least one more issue. The link that gets inserted into the article is referencing the com_docman_2 component (e.g.: index.php?option=com_docman_2&task=doc_download&gid=36). It seems that is should instead use com_joomdoc. I'm looking through your code to see how I can alter the link construction, but you may be faster and may also want to fix it for future use/distribution. Another minor issue is that the button that gets created on the editor page (I'm using JCE 1.5.4) doesn't fully render (the right 20% or so gets clipped).
Button Plugin
Category: JoomDOC
rexkramer wrote:
... sorry, i don´t understand the previous post!?

Some of the previous posts are missing (Jan--the link to the previous page of posts doesn't appear to work for me). The conversation had dhefly offering a plug-in for an editor button extension asking for testers. I downloaded the plugin, but when clicking on the new button the popup complained that it couldn't find a necessary component. Dhefly has now provided the necessary component (which resolves the prior issue, but see my reply to that post for further resolution)
Button Plugin
Category: JoomDOC
I'm finding that the timestamp in the log is 6 hours off (earlier). There doesn't seem to be any configuration setting for timezone offsets. Where is the logger getting it's date/time info and how can we adjust it?
Timestamp in log
Category: JoomDOC
As soon as I click on the button. I do have both DocMan 2 and JoomDoc installed (transitioning), so the component should be there. In any event, I'm far enough along in the transition that I'd need a button for JoomDoc. It seems you'll need to go there too since DocMan2 is no longer, having been forced to change names to JoomDoc (though all the files should be roughly the same).
Button Plugin
Category: JoomDOC
Many thanks for the file. I tried it, but am getting a 404 error complaining of a component not found. Does this work with JoomDoc or only DocMan (not DocMan 2)? I had the same issue with DocLink, but I believe that was due to a legacy-mode requirement that I was trying to avoid.
Button Plugin
Category: JoomDOC
I'm interested. Also interested in a plugin to add a link in a Kunena post to a JoomDoc document. It probably can be done with board code, but I need something easier for a non-technical user.
Button Plugin
Category: JoomDOC
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