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ARTIO JoomSEF 2.3.1

NameARTIO JoomSEF 2.3.1

This component rewrites Joomla! URLs to be Search Engine Friendly (SEF) and provided other Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools. Multilingualism (more language versions, translated URLs) is supported via cooperation with JoomFish. Makes it possible to edit your meta-tags from one place. Upgrades will be easy and painless thanks to the new on-line update features. Extensive support of 3rd party components thanks to SEF Extension installer.

If you are UPGRADING, please read Upgrade Instructions first!

The latest free version of JoomSEF may contain links to ARTIO webpages or some of the JoomSEF development sponsors. You can get the latest version without links of the JoomSEF from our webshop. If you would like to become JoomSEF sponsor, please contact us via email.

More SEF Extensions for popular Joomla! modules coming soon!
You may donate to support further JoomSEF development.

What's new in 2.3.1:

  • New - Added option to set if default index file should be appended to sections and categories links
  • New - Added option to create 301 Redirect directly from 404 URL
  • New - Variables validity check (URLs with invalid option, id, task or view won't be stored)
  • New - Added option to select file locking mechanism for cache saving
  • Fix - Removed ini_set which caused fatal error on some server configurations

For previous change history, please, check documentation or JoomSEF version log document.
Filesize339.69 kB
Filetypezip (Mime Type: application/zip)
Hits59585 Hits


VM Invoice 3.1.17 right now!


New release of VirtueMart PDF Invoice generator - VM Invoice 3.1.17 is now available. This new version introduces fix reported by our users and new feature.

New JoomSEF 4.7.6 is here!


JoomSEF 4.7.6 is now available for download or upgrade. This release include some new improvement, improvement and also the known bug fix. Read more about the new features.

VM Invoice 3.1.16 is available


New release of VirtueMart PDF Invoice generator - VM Invoice 3.1.16 is now available. This new version introduces fix reported by our users.

VM Invoice 3.1.15 is here


New release of VirtueMart PDF Invoice generator - VM Invoice 3.1.15 is now available. This new version introduces some new features and improvements as well as fixes reported by our users.

New JoomSEF 4.7.0 compatible with Joomla 3.7


JoomSEF 4.7.0 is now available for download or upgrade. This release include some new features, improvement and also the known bug fixes. Read more about the new features.

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