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Virtuemart print order does not work
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TOPIC: Virtuemart print order does not work

Virtuemart print order does not work 15 years, 4 months ago #7990


the print order icon in the order details page links to:
but this link gets redirected back to:

I see that Artio generated a SEF Url with:
New SEF URL= shop/account/order.html
Old Non-SEF Url = index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=account.order_details
ItemID = 9
but I haven't saved it as Custom Redirect yet

I think the correct Url should include order_id also, in fact the link below works:

And it works if I comment out line 591 in components/com_sef/sef_ext/com_virtuemart.php:
            // ignored vars
// if (isset($order_id)) $ignoreVars['order_id'] = $order_id;

Is there a better way to tell Artio not to ignore order_id?

Alfredo Tripicchio

PS: These are my installation details:
VM 1.1.3
ARTIO VM plugin 2.0.1
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Re:Virtuemart print order does not work 15 years, 4 months ago #8062

  • jaku
ARTIO VirtueMart extension "ignore" var means, that it is not ignored totally, just it is not made part of the SEO URL.
The correct URL - as you can see also on this web should be something like:

This means the order_id is appended behind the SEO URL.
If you do not see it at your site, probably you have changed JoomSEF configuration -- check the "Append non-sef vars" setting in JoomSEF global configuration. - it should be set to YES
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Re:Virtuemart print order does not work 15 years, 4 months ago #8066


thanks for your answer.

I do have Append non-SEF variables to URL set to Yes, and in fact order_id gets correctly ignored by the SEO URL, and gets appended, so my order details URL looks like:

which is right.

The problem arises with the link of the print icon (top right of the page) that looks like:

As you see, here order_id is missing, and the popup redirects me to:

that is of course not correct.

Alfredo Tripicchio
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Re:Virtuemart print order does not work 15 years, 4 months ago #8067

  • jaku

ok, well, but that link has nothing to do with JoomSEF. JoomSEF does not process URLs that start with index2.php. So I guess, the order_id would be missing there even when JoomSEF would not be active or present. Maybe you can try that. If so, then you should report this rather to authors of VirtueMart.
(the print icon does not show up on our web, so I cannot check this)
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Re:Virtuemart print order does not work 15 years, 4 months ago #8069


I have:

1. disabled Artio AND Joomla SEO, mod_rewrite, URL suffix from global configuration
the order detail page URL is
the print link on top of this page is
and it WORKS

2. disabled Artio but kept the above three options ON in Joomla SEO configuration
the order detail page URL is
the print link on top of this page is
and it DOES NOT WORK: 404 Error
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Re:Virtuemart print order does not work 15 years, 4 months ago #8151

  • jaku

if it does not work even when JoomSEF is disabled, then there is not much we could do to influence it in JoomSEF.
In any case, this behaviour is quite strange. Maybe there is some bug either in Joomla or VirtueMart. We will try to test this a bit more.
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