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M-Turbo and crash backup
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Support forum for users using free edition of M-Turbo. These forums are for mutual help among users.

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TOPIC: M-Turbo and crash backup

M-Turbo and crash backup 11 years, 11 months ago #36781

Hello, I installed your module M-Turbo. I really like it. But got big problems with my site, it crashed my entire admin when I did a backup inside the admin. Since ending magento conncet to stop after a technician from hostgator helped me to get into the site again. Joined error of messages when I would log into the admin. Now I've made ​​a backup before my admin crashed and your module remains in the backup.
Is there any possibility for you to help me to uninstall it or make it work again when my backup is complete.
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Re: M-Turbo and crash backup 11 years, 11 months ago #36786

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Hello tindramin,

We have not yet met with the crash during making backup on Magento with M-Turbo. Could you write the log errors which was appeared, please?

If uninstall does not work you can drop table `mturbo` from DB and remove file app/etc/modules/Artio_MTurbo.xml. This definitively deactivates M-Turbo on your Magento.
ARTIO Support Team
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