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VirtueMart Add-ons

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VM Invoice 3 Changelog

--- 3.1.28 --- [12.6.2024]
Fix - Error when adding product limited by shopper group with VirtueMart 4
Fix - Price not selected when adding product limited by shopper group

--- 3.1.27 --- [4.6.2024]
New - Added {product_in_stock} tag
New - Added {order_status_code} tag
Imp - Compatibility with PHP 8
Imp - Support for conditional blocks in e-mail template
Fix - Possible SQL injection when editing order
Fix - Disabling "Apply to all items" not working
Fix - Saving Customer note field
Fix - Save payment currency and total also to plugin table

--- 3.1.26 --- [17.3.2022]
Imp - Compatibility with PHP 8
Fix - Incorrect invoice date when switching to Own Numbering
Fix - Could not add out-of-stock product to order
Fix - Shipping prices not shown in credit notes
Fix - Billing address fields not displayed in order editing without "Show in shipment form" selected

--- 3.1.25 --- [29.11.2021]
Imp - Compatibility with PHP 8

--- 3.1.24 --- [25.11.2021]
Imp - Compatibility with PHP 8
Fix - Display coupon discount in tax summary when {subtotal_discounted} tag is used in template

--- 3.1.23 --- [24.8.2021]
New - Added "delivery date" field to order editing and corresponding tag to invoice template
New - Added {product_int_note} tag for product's internal note
Imp - Display invoices in correct payment currency instead of user currency when available
Fix - Compatibility with Joomla! 3.10 - Configuration could not be saved
Fix - Exchange rate being applied twice to tax summary

--- 3.1.22 --- [14.4.2021]
New - Suggest products in order editing also by GTIN (EAN) codes
New - Option to hide the "Create Credit Note" button in invoices list
New - Added {product_manufacturer} tag
Imp - Prevent sending the same invoice twice
Imp - "Default currency" selection in Global Configuration
Fix - Incorrect Order ID and Invoice No filtering on orders list
Fix - Error when editing order with "Guest Checkout" set and with some items stored in admin's cart on frontend
Fix - PHP notices on Fields page

--- 3.1.21 --- [29.10.2020]
New - Added {product_gtin} tag for product's "GTIN (EAN,ISBN)" field
New - Configurable PDFs directory path
New - Option to use year in invoice number prefix automatically
New - Downloading historical exchange rates from ECB for currency conversions
Imp - Display discount in Subtotal line correctly with or without tax depending on tag
Imp - Display of customers with multiple shipping addresses in suggest box in order editing
Imp - Storing multi-variant product attributes when editing order
Imp - Issues with displaying discounts in totals block
Fix - Displaying special characters in addresses in order editing
Fix - Customer number display for non-registered customers
Fix - Display of original price for discounted products with newer versions of VirtueMart
Fix - Tax  calculation for some columns in DB table for credit notes

--- 3.1.20 --- [25.3.2020]
Fix - Fixed "Overwrite final price" option in calculation rules in credit notes
Imp - Improved compatibility with VM 3.6

--- 3.1.19 --- [13.11.2019]
Fix - Updating status for single order when "Update" button is clicked on Invoice/Order Management page
Fix - PHP warning caused by TCPDF on PHP 7.2

--- 3.1.18 --- [18.9.2019]
Fix - Syntax error in SQL query on MySQL 8
Fix - Removed lib_updater from installation package to avoid errors on install/update on Joomla! 3.9

--- 3.1.17 --- [5.4.2019]
New - Support for static strings translation in invoice template using {translate:LANG_CONSTANT} tag
Fix - TCPDF error causing PDF not being generated if links are present in the HTML template
Fix - PHP notices

--- 3.1.16 --- [5.2.2019]
Fix - VAT calculation for fixed coupon discount

--- 3.1.15 --- [6.12.2018]
Imp - HTML escaping in shipment and payment method names
Fix - Loading price for products assigned to shopper groups in order editing
Fix - Compatibility with PHP 7.2 with AwoCoupon plugin

--- 3.1.14 --- [19.11.2018]
Imp - Tags with dashes in {if} conditional blocks
Fix - PHP Warning

--- 3.1.13 --- [27.9.2018]
Imp - Shipment and payment methods are ordered by their List Order value in select boxes
Fix - HTML characters in shipment and payment method name caused Totals not being display on invoice
Fix - Correct product price selection in order editing for products with multiple prices
Fix - Some PHP warnings in PHP 7.2

--- 3.1.12 --- [13.9.2018]
Fix - Translate customer title correctly in e-mail body

--- 3.1.11 --- [6.4.2018]
New - Monthly invoices reports exported to CSV format
Imp - Option to hide Total line on invoice
Fix - Custom fields translation to correct language
Fix - Checkboxes to inherit settings for some options in Delivery Note and Credit Note configurations
Fix - Storing Payment Information field for standard payment plugin
Fix - Hide PHP warnings if invalid HTML is encountered in custom fields

--- 3.1.10 --- [7.12.2017]
Fix - Incorrect product attributes sometimes displayed on invoice with Custom Fields for All plugin
Fix - Saving order weight
Fix - PHP warnings

--- 3.1.9 --- [19.4.2017]
New - Option to display payment/shipment info without description
Fix - Single custom field display on invoice
Fix - Calc rules calculation
Fix - Profit Markup rules handling

--- 3.1.8 --- [24.2.2017]
Imp - UTF-8 in product attributes on PDF invoice
Fix - Price modifications for custom fields
Fix - Custom fields label display

--- 3.1.7 --- [2.2.2017]
Fix - Profit Markup rule with shopper group not applied correctly
Fix - Attributes and calculation rules rows not removed from table when product deleted

--- 3.1.6 --- [21.12.2016]
Fix - Attributes not being generated for the first order item

--- 3.1.5 --- [5.12.2016]
Fix - Empty invoice attachment filename on PHP 7

--- 3.1.4 --- [24.11.2016]
Fix - Custom fields encoding
Fix - Duplicate custom fields and empty lines
Fix - Multiple e-mail addresses in Sender Email field

--- 3.1.3 --- [14.10.2016]
Fix - Price modifier per bill not displayed on invoice with "Apply Rules on Shipping/Payment" option enabled
Fix - Parsing attributes HTML, causing child products not to be displayed on invoice

--- 3.1.2 --- [30.9.2016]
Imp - Compatibility with PHP 7
Fix - Incorrect value for {price_withtax} tag
Fix - Cart attributes without cart input being displayed multiple times on invoice

--- 3.1.1 --- [13.9.2016]
Fix - Custom fields were added to attributes even when not marked as Cart Attribute

--- 3.1.0 --- [23.8.2016]
New - Option to include shipping/payment in Tax per Bill rules
New - Support for custom currency exchange rate
Imp - User can now unselect all options in Required Order Status field
Imp - Product attributes handling
Imp - Timeout for AJAX search fields (decreasing number of requests to server)
Fix - Subtotal without tax
Fix - Multiline customer notes in e-mails
Fix - Product couldn't be added to order without selecting some attribute
Fix - Storing attributes for Custom Fields for All plugin
Fix - Removed old debug output
Fix - Adding Multi Variant child products to order
Fix - Shipping/payment description parsing
Fix - Adding custom field with fixed value to product attributes

--- 3.0.9 --- [23.3.2016]
Fix - Price without tax in Tax Summary
Fix - Dollar signs in e-mail body
Fix - Loading language overrides for products attributes
Fix - Footer lines if {discount} is used as the first column

--- 3.0.8 --- [16.12.2015]
New - Filter invoices by product category
Imp - Improved support for VM Invoice 3 AwoCoupon plugin

--- 3.0.7 --- [14.10.2015]
Fix - Error on automatic invoice sending

--- 3.0.6 --- [5.10.2015]
New - {product_unit} field
New - Support for Joomla 3 collapsible sidebar
Imp - Select-box for number of invoices displayed in Joomla 3
Imp - Translatable additional fields
Fix - AwoCoupon with VM3 compatibility
Fix - HTML entities in conditional blocks
Fix - Some translations in language files

--- 3.0.5 --- [26.6.2015]
New - Replace or hide customer number for unregistered customers
Imp - Translate product custom fields
Fix - Error when some default custom fields deleted
Fix - Last order item emptied when some previous item deleted

--- 3.0.4 --- [19.5.2015]
New - Tag to display order password on invoice
New - Option to remove non-existent images from invoice
Fix - Shopper "title" field translation
Fix - SQL error message when changing shipment/payment method
Fix - Text field displayed over product suggest box
Fix - SQL error for specific custom fields
Fix - Child variants products selection
Fix - Price calculation when applying percentage coupon
Fix - Duplicating custom fields options when adding product to order

--- 3.0.3 --- [7.4.2015]
Fix - Zero prices when current backend user doesn't have shopper group specified
Fix - Numbering of {seq} tag starting from 2
Fix - XML for ACL support

--- 3.0.2 --- [26.3.2015]
Improved - Added basic Joomla ACL support
Fix - Warnings in tax per bill rules when creating new order
Fix - Text input fields too small in Joomla 3
Fix - Zero prices when shopper group set for product in VM
Fix - Incorrect shipment and payment method displayed when editing order
Fix - Suggest boxes in IE

--- 3.0.1 --- [18.3.2015]
New - Option to display shipping description in Shipping selection box
Improved - Updated Spanish translation (thanks to our user)
Fix - Missing table column error when saving payment/shipment plugin data
Fix - Warnings on new order page
Fix - Warnings when applying shipment/payment
Fix - Shopper group price selection
Fix - Applying correct calculation rules according to user's shopper group
Fix - Manual price modifications
Fix - Fees not calculated from actual prices

--- 3.0.0 --- [11.2.2015]
New - First version of VM Invoice 3 for Joomla 2.5/3 and VirtueMart 3
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