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ARTIO JoomSEF 1.4.0-beta2

NameARTIO JoomSEF 1.4.0-beta2

This component rewrites Joomla! URLs to be Search Engine Friendly (SEF) and provided other Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools. Multilingualism (more language versions, translated URLs) is supported via cooperation with JoomFish. Makes it possible to edit your meta-tags from one place. Upgrades will be easy and painless thanks to the new on-line update features. Extensive support of 3rd party components thanks to SEF Extension installer.

Current release introduces many new features and possibilities, including meta tag creating, on-line updates, installer for extension modules, etc.

PLEASE NOTE: This release is not yet meant for production usage. It is not possible to upgrade online, you have to install manually. Send your comments, feedback & ideas to

Please donate to support further JoomSEF development.

What's new in 1.4.0-beta2:

  • Significant improvement of OpenSEF and SEF Advance extensions

What's new in 1.4.0-beta:

  • Added option to ignore link sources to reduce # of link to 1 target
    Please note that switching this on may affect Joomla functionality
  • Added option to reappend source information as anchor
    Please note that switching this off may affect Joomla functionality
  • Fixed pagination problems when not possible to reach first page
  • Other small fixes

What's new in 1.3.3:

  • Safer and more comfortable manipulation with manually edited URLs
  • Manually edited URLs are by default saved as "custom"
  • Your auto-generated URLs will not be deleted if your configuration changes unless you confirm it
  • Improved support for 3rd party components that provide own SEF extentions (sef_ext.php files)

What's fixed in 1.3.2:

  • Http/Https switching cause cookie loose bug fixed
  • IIS support revised, tested and updated
  • number of small bug fixies

What's fixed in 1.3.1:

  • Import/export bug fix (compatibility with 1.2.x series and meta-tags support)
  • On-line update feature bug fix

What's new in 1.3.0:

  • Added upgrade capability
  • Added AlphaContent support
  • Added Mosets Tree support
  • Added VirtueMart component support (payed)
  • Added SMF Bridge v1.1 RC3 component support (payed)
  • Added URL filters in admin section
  • Added title, description and keywords metatags for individual URLs
  • Fixed lower-case URL problem with components excluded from JoomSEF processing
  • Duplicate home URL fix
  • Other small bug fixes
Filesize212.86 kB
Filetypezip (Mime Type: application/zip)
Hits6958 Hits


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