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Profile for dkou

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 5
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anybody has a thought on what's happening with the dates and login data remain untranslated when switching languages ?
article creation dat ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

I am using joomsef 4.5.3. with joomla 3.3.3. with 2 languages installed (English - Greek... English as the default content language) in joomla (site / content). Joomsef is configured for multilanguage use. I'm using falang for the translations.

The langue switch is working great but I have noticed that the article's creation date is allways displayed in the language of the site's default language (in my case english) and it doesnt translate in greek when I select greek.

I've switched the default content language of the site to be Greek and noticed the same think. The article's date is displayed in Greek and it doesnt translate to English when I select English.

Is that a bug ?
article creation dat ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

Is joomsef disabling the passing of parameters ? For instance fabrik pagination works by passing "limitstart"... fo instance "url?limitstart3=10". As long as I have item id functionality enabled in the joomSEF configuration it works but I allways get the ?itemID=xx at the end of my urls. If I turn off item id functionality then the fabrik pagination doesnt work.

Is there any way to allow parameters passing without having itemID at the end of my urls ?

parameters passing
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hello again,

problem seems to be solved. In joomSEF's configuration on advanced -> item id handling I had to chyeck YES for "Exclude source info (Itemid)" and "Reappend source (Itemid)" and sound logical since pagination for fabrik works with the parameter "?limitstart=xx".

All well then.


FABRIK pagination
Category: JoomSEF 4

Just installed joomSEF 4, everythink runs ok except one thing. The pagination for my fabrik lists dont work. The list filters work just fine but the list pages dont have the "forward" "previews" etc functionality. While pressing the pagination buttons it seems to be loading but the record list doesnt change, it doesnt get through with the record page changes and remains still in page 1 of the record list.

Once I deactivate joomSEF or change the "content" SEF extension's active handler to "default joomla! router" or "not using SEF" everything runs ok with the fabrik pagination.

Any ideas ?


FABRIK pagination
Category: JoomSEF 4
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