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Profile for frederictorbin

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 09:16
  • Posts: 4
  • Profile Views: 2434
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Hello everyone.
I put options in the articles that I rent. For a vehicle, for example, I put an option for the customer to choose the place where he will take the vehicle.

The problem is that I do not see anywhere that the customer has selected in the dropdown menu.

If selected an option, either in the summary of the client, or in my summary in my back office, I only see "List supplement free". But I do not see what he selected.

I put you as an attachment the screenshots:
- Options front office
- And what I'm seeing me in my back office (and I do not see the option chosen)

Thank you for your return.
The options do not a ...
Category: Customer Support
I come to you because I have a problem with a SQL Database transfer.

I put the Joomla (containing Booking) on OVH server and I wanted to transfer it to a server in NUXIT.

Upon transfer of a SQL database to another, I have this message :

Requête SQL:

CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER = `yaquademsite`@`%` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `faz_booking_template_value_view` AS SELECT `value`.`id` AS `id` , `translation`.`language_id` AS `language` , `translation`.`value` AS `value`

`faz_booking_template_value` `value`
LEFT JOIN `faz_falang_content` `translation` ON ( (
`translation`.`reference_id` = `value`.`id`
) )
`translation`.`reference_table` = 'booking_template_value'
`translation`.`reference_field` = 'value'

MySQL a répondu:

#1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

What does it do? I contacted the host who told me he had to adapt the script for it to pass, that they could do nothing.

Thank you for your help.
Problem with SQL tra ...
Category: Customer Support
Thank you :-)
Multiple languages
Category: Customer Support
First of all, congratulations for your software.

I use Book It 2 Paid to Joomla.

I asked a very simple question:
My website is multilingual via the multilingual module provided by Joomla.

I encounter a problem in Book It 2 Paid. The software does not have to get different languages ​​for descriptions of objects, etc.. Should, in this case, I created a specification sheet for each language, the problem is that there will be a problem of inventory management. Because every time, must be a new record.

What is the solution?
Multiple languages
Category: Customer Support
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