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Chart not found when using multiple Joomla instanc
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TOPIC: Chart not found when using multiple Joomla instanc

Chart not found when using multiple Joomla instanc 14 years, 3 months ago #12776

  • sunshinenetworks

I have gotten the charts to work on a simple joomla site, works great. But when I install ARTIOFusioncharts Free on a subsite ( multiple sites using the same Joomla database ) the charts won't display. The swf in the source code is pointing to the right location ( I can "open it" ) and the XML data is also viewable, so I'm not sure why the flash won't load.

There are no errors generated, the screen is just blank instead of showing the chart.

I have gotten it to work on the main site, just not the subsites. Any clues ?

When I view the source code of the html page that is generated , this is the portion that is ARTIO :

<script type="text/javascript">

hs.graphicsDir = '/plugins/system/cdscriptegrator/libraries/highslide/graphics/';
hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white';
hs.outlineWhileAnimating = true;
hs.showCredits = true;
hs.expandDuration = 250;
hs.anchor = 'auto';
hs.align = 'auto';
hs.transitions = ["expand"];
hs.dimmingOpacity = 0;
hs.lang = {
loadingText : 'Loading...',
loadingTitle : 'Click to cancel',
focusTitle : 'Click to bring to front',
fullExpandTitle : 'Expand to actual size',
fullExpandText : 'Full size',
creditsText : 'Powered by Highslide JS',
creditsTitle : 'Go to the Highslide JS homepage',
previousText : 'Previous',
previousTitle : 'Previous (arrow left)',
nextText : 'Next',
nextTitle : 'Next (arrow right)',
moveTitle : 'Move',
moveText : 'Move',
closeText : 'Close',
closeTitle : 'Close (esc)',
resizeTitle : 'Resize',
playText : 'Play',
playTitle : 'Play slideshow (spacebar)',
pauseText : 'Pause',
pauseTitle : 'Pause slideshow (spacebar)',
number : 'Image %1 of %2',
restoreTitle : 'Click to close image, click and drag to move. Use arrow keys for next and previous.'

var chartObj = null;
window.addEvent('load', function() {
chartObj = new ARTIOFusionCharts("mysite/administrator/components/com_arti...ree_chart.swf", "ChartId", "500", "300", "0", "0");



could it be related to hs.js ? On IE, I get some errors about HS not loading correctly. In Firefox I don't see those messages.
Last Edit: 14 years, 3 months ago by .
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Re:Chart not found when using multiple Joomla instanc 14 years, 3 months ago #12777

  • sunshinenetworks
Ok I found what caused this, the template did. I have changed my template to another one and now the charts display correctly. This is very strange. It seems it's related to the Highslide javascript, I'll try and download a later version.

So this is not a ARTIO bug, it's a template bug. Sorry
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Re:Chart not found when using multiple Joomla instanc 14 years, 3 months ago #12778

  • sunshinenetworks
This is the piece of code in the template that broke the charts :

<!-- This breaks the ARTIOCharts -->
// $user =& JFactory::getUser();
// if ($user->get('guest') == 1) {
// $headerstuff = $this->getHeadData();
// $headerstuff['scripts'] = array();
// $this->setHeadData($headerstuff); }
<!-- End of This breaks the ARTIOCharts -->

I commented it out, things seem to be working fine now.
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