is there any way how to remove and redirect url where language shorcut is in url? I have language shorcut only for homepage (it is working for both with or without language). My example:
English lang website:
www.example.com (working) and
www.example.com/en (working duplicate page)
Czech lang website:
www.example.cz (working) and
www.example.cz/cz (working duplicate page)
Other urls are not working with language shorcut (for example
www.example.com/contact is working, but
www.example.com/en/contact gives 404). So the problem is only for homepage.
If I check the list URLs in JoomSEF (link manage SEF URLs) and looking at hits number both URLs (
www.example.com and
www.example.com/en) is counting as one REAL url (mean native URL is same for both friendly URL).
I am using latest JoomSEF paid version 4.7.0. on website with two languages (for each one domain). Using plugin System Language - Artio JoomSEF (plugin system - Language filter is disabled). Main domain is czech. Artio language settings is attached.
Any advices how to fix this? I would like to remove this in BackOffice, but also need to redirect
www.example.cz/cz to the
www.example.cz, but I have no idea how to do it with Artio (manage 301 redirect), because it is homepage - it always needs to fill some part of url after /.
Thank you