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Multilingual meta tags joomfish
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TOPIC: Multilingual meta tags joomfish

Multilingual meta tags joomfish 12 years, 8 months ago #30958

for some reason my meta tags (description & keywords) are not showing (in the source) on the website.

-joomsef V2.2.3
-artio 3.9.7

Enable Meta Tags management: on & off (i tried both)
Meta-keywords preference: prefer original
Meta-description preference: prefer original

artio joomsefplugin order : -2147483648

i cleared the cache & purged the urls
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Re: Multilingual meta tags joomfish 12 years, 8 months ago #30959

probably related so also a referral to
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Re: Multilingual meta tags joomfish 12 years, 8 months ago #30983

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
If the meta tags preference in JoomSEF is set to Prefer original, or if the Meta tags management is completely disabled, JoomSEF doesn't alter meta tags in the page in any way and the meta tags directly from Joomla are displayed. So I guess that there's some problem with meta tags in your Joomla installation or the template. Make sure that your template contains the following line:
<jdoc:include type="head" />

Have you tried disabling JoomSEF? Do the meta tags work in that case?
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Multilingual meta tags joomfish 12 years, 7 months ago #31718

the problem is fixed.
thanks for the suggestions.
the problem was caused by updating joomfish and not because artio joomsef.
sorry for the inconvenience.
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