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Features of FusionCharts for Joomla

ARTIO FusionCharts for Joomla comes with a plethora of features to cater to your general charting needs. It is furnished with all common sets of features that a chart requires. Moreover, all the charts in the pack are fully customizable. Thanks to the easy to use chart creator interface. ARTIO FusionCharts for Joomla adds the ‘wow’ experience through animated fluid interactive JavaScript charting to your sites.

Paid versions of ARTIO FusionCharts contain also live connector to database. Chart should drill down data automatically from the external database source.

pic01All standard chart types included

ARTIO FusionCharts for Joomla provides all standard chart types. Using the extension, you can create Column, Line and Pie charts for your single-series or multi-series data.


All charts are rendered with captivating animation effect. The columns gradually grow, the pie charts spins-in rapidly and the lines exhibit a breathtaking sequence of animation. The animation occurs every time the chart loads.


Intuitive UI

Creating a chart for your Joomla articles is extremely easy, thanks to the Intuitive User Interface. The UI is divided into distinct sections which makes the task of entering the data and configuring the properties of a chart extremely easy.

pic04Intricate Customization

Every element of the chart can be customized with great deal of intricacy. The chart configuration page provides distinct panels for minute configuration of individual chart elements.

pic05Integrated preview feature

The powerful Chart Preview feature lets you see how your chart looks, before it is added to an article. This is a very helpful feature as it allows you to fine tune the chart to your heart’s content.

pic06Chart Repository

Every chart that you create gets added to a chart repository. This makes it possible to add a particular chart to multiple articles.

pic07Customized currency

You can set custom currency symbols like $ € £ ¥ to the chart values.

pic08Custom number formatting

You can set various settings to format chart values. You can round the values, set decimal places and add custom thousand and decimal separator characters.

pic09Number scaling configuration

You can decide whether to compress and add K (thousands) and M (millions) to a number after truncating and rounding it. Hence, 10434 would become 1.04K or 600000 - can be 6M.

pic10Automatic numbers formatting and scaling

If not customized, all numeric quantities that are displayed on the chart get automatically formatted and scaled.

pic11Auto generated legends for multi-series charts

Based on the underlying configuration of the chart, a legend is automatically added to every multi-series chart.

pic12Trend-lines and Trend-zones

Trend-lines and trend-zones are used for highlighting specific values on the chart scale. ARTIO FusionCharts for Joomla allows intricate customization of trend-lines and trend-zones.

pic13Interactive tooltips

All charts support user-end interactivity in form of tooltips. Whenever the user hovers the mouse pointer over a data point, a tooltip bearing detailed information about that data point is displayed.

pic14Interactive links or hot-spots feature

The data present in charts can be configured to act as hot-spots to open URLs when clicked. So, you can open websites or web-pages of your choice clicking columns, bars, pie slices or anchors.

pic15Divisional Lines & grids

Divisional Lines and grids are horizontal or vertical lines or bands running through the canvas. Each divisional line/grid signifies a smaller unit of the entire axis, thus aiding smart interpretation.

pic16Customizable color scheme

ARTIO FusionCharts for Joomla allows intricate customization of the chart’s background and canvas. Distinct color and alpha combinations can be specified for the background and the canvas in order to impart a characteristic feel to the chart.

pic17Image  as chart background

ARTIO FusionCharts Free for Joomla also allows you to use an Image as the chart’s background.

pic18Custom Fonts

The font of the text that appears on the chart is customizable. Any standard system font of specified size and color can be set as the default font for the chart.+

And many more tiny-powerful feature like visible-invisible chart values and labels, rotated labels, shadow effect, custom scale limits, color configuration of all major chart elements, configuration of chart margins etc. etc.

Continue the FusionCharts tour by checking the available chart types.

Download FusionCharts for Joomla free from our website, check full version license options or buy FusionCharts for Joomla full.

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