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JoomSEF 2.x

Archived versions of ARTIO  JoomSEF 2.x Joomla (1.0.x) SEO component.


ARTIO JoomSEF 2.3.1

Hits: 59585

This component rewrites Joomla! URLs to be Search Engine Friendly (SEF) and provided other Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools. Multilingualism (more language versions, translated URLs) is supported via cooperation with JoomFish. Makes it possible to edit your meta-tags from one place. Upgrades will be easy and painless thanks to the new on-line update features. Extensive support of 3rd party components thanks to SEF Extension installer.

If you are UPGRADING, please read Upgrade Instructions first!

The latest free version of JoomSEF may contain links to ARTIO webpages or some of the JoomSEF development sponsors. You can get the latest version without links of the JoomSEF from our webshop. If you would like to become JoomSEF sponsor, please contact us via email.

More SEF Extensions for popular Joomla! modules coming soon!
You may donate to support further JoomSEF development.

What's new in 2.3.1:

  • New - Added option to set if default index file should be appended to sections and categories links
  • New - Added option to create 301 Redirect directly from 404 URL
  • New - Variables validity check (URLs with invalid option, id, task or view won't be stored)
  • New - Added option to select file locking mechanism for cache saving
  • Fix - Removed ini_set which caused fatal error on some server configurations

For previous change history, please, check documentation or JoomSEF version log document.

ARTIO JoomSEF 2.2.8

Hits: 47315

This component rewrites Joomla! URLs to be Search Engine Friendly (SEF) and provided other Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools. Multilingualism (more language versions, translated URLs) is supported via cooperation with JoomFish. Makes it possible to edit your meta-tags from one place. Upgrades will be easy and painless thanks to the new on-line update features. Extensive support of 3rd party components thanks to SEF Extension installer.

If you are UPGRADING, please read Upgrade Instructions first!

The latest free version of JoomSEF may contain links to ARTIO webpages or some of the JoomSEF development sponsors. You can get the latest version without links of the JoomSEF from our webshop. If you would like to become JoomSEF sponsor, please contact us via email.

More SEF Extensions for popular Joomla! modules coming soon!
You may donate to support further JoomSEF development.

What's new in 2.2.8:

  • Fix - MetaBot stops working in some cases
  • Fix - non-static function call fatal error
  • Update - improved compatibility with SEF Advance extensions

For previous change history, please, check documentation or JoomSEF version log document.


ARTIO JoomSEF 2.2.7

Hits: 45113

This component rewrites Joomla! URLs to be Search Engine Friendly (SEF) and provided other Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools. Multilingualism (more language versions, translated URLs) is supported via cooperation with JoomFish. Makes it possible to edit your meta-tags from one place. Upgrades will be easy and painless thanks to the new on-line update features. Extensive support of 3rd party components thanks to SEF Extension installer.

If you are UPGRADING, please read Upgrade Instructions first!

The latest free version of JoomSEF may contain links to ARTIO webpages or some of the JoomSEF development sponsors. You can get the latest version without links of the JoomSEF from our webshop. If you would like to become JoomSEF sponsor, please contact us via email.

More SEF Extensions for popular Joomla! modules coming soon!
You may donate to support further JoomSEF development.

What's new in 2.2.7:

  • Fix - working with anchors (if URL starts just with #)
  • Fix - trailing slash with moved permanently table

For previous change history, please, check documentation or JoomSEF version log document.


ARTIO JoomSEF 2.3.0

Hits: 58400

This component rewrites Joomla! URLs to be Search Engine Friendly (SEF) and provided other Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools. Multilingualism (more language versions, translated URLs) is supported via cooperation with JoomFish. Makes it possible to edit your meta-tags from one place. Upgrades will be easy and painless thanks to the new on-line update features. Extensive support of 3rd party components thanks to SEF Extension installer.

If you are UPGRADING, please read Upgrade Instructions first!

The latest free version of JoomSEF may contain links to ARTIO webpages or some of the JoomSEF development sponsors. You can get the latest version without links of the JoomSEF from our webshop. If you would like to become JoomSEF sponsor, please contact us via email.

More SEF Extensions for popular Joomla! modules coming soon!
You may donate to support further JoomSEF development.

What's new in 2.3.0:

  • New - Added option to select custom ItemID for Default 404 Page
  • New - Extended import / export functionality (better control over URLs to export)
  • Fix - Links with /index.php are handled correctly (starting slash problem)
  • Fix - Live site with trailing slash is handled correctly
  • Fix - Fatal error in MetaBot in some cases

For previous change history, please, check documentation or JoomSEF version log document.

ARTIO JoomSEF 2.2.6

Hits: 42537

This component rewrites Joomla! URLs to be Search Engine Friendly (SEF) and provided other Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools. Multilingualism (more language versions, translated URLs) is supported via cooperation with JoomFish. Makes it possible to edit your meta-tags from one place. Upgrades will be easy and painless thanks to the new on-line update features. Extensive support of 3rd party components thanks to SEF Extension installer.

If you are UPGRADING, please read Upgrade Instructions first!

The latest free version of JoomSEF may contain links to ARTIO webpages or some of the JoomSEF development sponsors. You can get the latest version without links of the JoomSEF from our webshop. If you would like to become JoomSEF sponsor, please contact us via email.

More SEF Extensions for popular Joomla! modules coming soon!
You may donate to support further JoomSEF development.

What's new in 2.2.6:

  • Fix - v2.2.5 bug fix - patch for pagination bug e.g. with VirtueMart

For previous change history, please, check documentation or JoomSEF version log document.


ARTIO JoomSEF 2.2.5

Hits: 9639

This component rewrites Joomla! URLs to be Search Engine Friendly (SEF) and provided other Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools. Multilingualism (more language versions, translated URLs) is supported via cooperation with JoomFish. Makes it possible to edit your meta-tags from one place. Upgrades will be easy and painless thanks to the new on-line update features. Extensive support of 3rd party components thanks to SEF Extension installer.

If you are UPGRADING, please read Upgrade Instructions first!

The latest free version of JoomSEF may contain links to ARTIO webpages or some of the JoomSEF development sponsors. You can get the latest version without links of the JoomSEF from our webshop. If you would like to become JoomSEF sponsor, please contact us via email.

More SEF Extensions for popular Joomla! modules coming soon!
You may donate to support further JoomSEF development.

What's new in 2.2.5:

  • Fix - automatically clean cache on URL purge
  • Fix - SOBI2 warning messages (code update)
  • Fix - JoomFish causing duplicates with extra parameters
  • Fix - removing parts of SEO URL if it matches suffix
  • Fix - content pagination improvements
  • Fix - content Itemid estimation improved - prevents duplicates better
  • New extension - JEvents

For previous change history, please, check documentation or JoomSEF version log document.


ARTIO JoomSEF 2.2.4

Hits: 21888

This component rewrites Joomla! URLs to be Search Engine Friendly (SEF) and provided other Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools. Multilingualism (more language versions, translated URLs) is supported via cooperation with JoomFish. Makes it possible to edit your meta-tags from one place. Upgrades will be easy and painless thanks to the new on-line update features. Extensive support of 3rd party components thanks to SEF Extension installer.

If you are UPGRADING, please read Upgrade Instructions first!

The latest free version of JoomSEF may contain links to ARTIO webpages or some of the JoomSEF development sponsors. You can get the latest version without links of the JoomSEF from our webshop. If you would like to become JoomSEF sponsor, please contact us via email.

More SEF Extensions for popular Joomla! modules coming soon!
You may donate to support further JoomSEF development.

What's new in 2.2.4:

  • Fix - incorrect long URL truncation fix
  • Fix - wrapper extension default configuration updated to prevent unexpected behaviour problems

For previous change history, please, check documentation or JoomSEF version log document.

ARTIO JoomSEF 2.2.3

Hits: 7327

This component rewrites Joomla! URLs to be Search Engine Friendly (SEF) and provided other Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools. Multilingualism (more language versions, translated URLs) is supported via cooperation with JoomFish. Makes it possible to edit your meta-tags from one place. Upgrades will be easy and painless thanks to the new on-line update features. Extensive support of 3rd party components thanks to SEF Extension installer.

If you are UPGRADING, please read Upgrade Instructions first!

The latest free version of JoomSEF may contain links to ARTIO webpages or some of the JoomSEF development sponsors. You can get the latest version without links of the JoomSEF from our webshop. If you would like to become JoomSEF sponsor, please contact us via email.

More SEF Extensions for popular Joomla! modules coming soon!
You may donate to support further JoomSEF development.

What's new in 2.2.3:

  • Fix - metadata wrongly shown in administration after save if using UTF-8

What's new in 2.2.2:

  • IMPORTANT Fix - possible security breach prevention
  • Fix - caching problems leading to file corruption and site stops working
  • Fix - 301 redirection problems
  • Fix - includes metabot 1.6.0 that fixes the problem of duplicite page titles including page and site name when they are same (e.g. on homepage)

What's new in 2.2.1:

  • Fix - fixed problems with automatic update from JoomSEF 1.x versions.

What's new in 2.2.0:

  • New feature - possibility to stop generating further URLs
  • New feature - possibility to exclude first part of URL for any component (e.g. /shop in VirtueMart)
  • New feature - easier access to editing homepage metadata
  • New extension - Zoom Media Gallery (download sepratelly)
  • New extension - RSGallery2 (download sepratelly)
  • New extension - PortFol (download sepratelly)
  • New extension - Seyret Video Directories (download sepratelly)
  • Fix - fixed problems with some 3rd party sef_ext files
  • Update - new configuration options added to VirtueMart extension
  • Update - free version will allow direct upgrade to ad-free version

What's new in 2.1.1:

  • New feature! - JoomFish support for extension texts (you can now change texts like "viewlink", "search" etc. in URLs)
  • Improved 301 redirection - server doesn't get stuck with index2.php URLs
  • Bug fix - Custom Titles functionality
  • Bug fix - meta title tag in MetaBot
  • Improved export and import of custom redirects
  • Improved upgrade script and fixed problem with directory permissions
  • Updated Mosets Tree extension

What's new in 2.1.0:

  • New feature - 301 redirection functionality
  • Bug fix - mambot PHP4 compatibility problems

What's new in 2.0.2:

  • Bug fix - trailing slash toleration not working correctly
  • Bug fix - "save as custom redirect" not pre-checked on URL customization

What's new in 2.0.1:

  • Bug fix - unistalling plug-in extensions does not remove DB information correctly
  • Bug fix - mambot not working correctly

What's new in 2.0.0:

  • Improved searching for 3rd party sef_ext extensions
  • Added parameters to individual extensions
  • Added possibility to set your own extension title
  • Added option to ignore multiple Itemids pointing to same page - removes most of duplicates!
  • Added option to set your own Itemid to use with each extension
  • Added Cache for mostly visited URLs - speeds the site up up and reduces DB load!
  • Added Patching system through mambot functionality
  • Redesigned the extension structure and way how extensions are called

What's new in 1.5.x or 1.4.x:

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